Dance into my Heart, Chapter 6

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"Miss Lewis, what do you think the poet is trying to say here in this couplet?"

Lena looked up at the board, redirecting her attention from the page in front of her to the teacher, Mr Barnes.

"Erm... well he seems to be claiming that the mind is an obstacle to love. We spend so much time analysing every little detail of our relationships that we forget to act on our feelings. The poet is trying to persuade his love interest, the subject of the piece, to runaway with him and give in to their love."

"Very good Lena, I'm impressed," he said, giving her an approving nod before turning back to the front.

"You're pretty smart aren't you," whispered one of her new friends, Lucy.

"Yeah, you're showing us all up!" said Rebekah with a laugh. Laurie smiled widely at her and Lena gave her a coy look in return before finishing off a few extra notes.

"... and that finishes off 17th Century poetry. Next week we will begin with an introduction to the Romantics. Have a nice weekend and I'll see you on Monday," and with that Mr Barnes dismissed the class.

Packing up her stuff, Lena left the classroom and followed the others to the canteen.

Hitching her backpack higher on her shoulder, Lena jogged down the stairs and jostled through the corridors with the others. Reaching the canteen, they descended on the first free table in sight. Looking around at her new-found friends Lena couldn't help but give a small smile. She had been very lucky finding a town and college full of such lovely people. Back home she had always felt like a bit of an outsider, never fully fitting in with everyone else. Well, except for James.

"Speak of the devil," Lena muttered under her breath as he strolled around the corner with his mates from the other day. Catching her eye, he smiled broadly and gave a small wave. She grinned back - she couldn't help herself.

Turning back to the table she was greeted by three gawping faces.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" she said as she tucked a rogue strand of hair behind her ear nervously.

"Who is that!" squealed Rebekah.

"That's James, remember, the guy I told you about."

"Ah the elusive James - we get to see him at last!" Lucy added.

"You make it sound like I made him up!"

"Why didn't you tell us he was gorgeous! Lena you've been holding out on us." Rebekah said, adding a conspiratory wink.

Sighing, Lena rolled her eyes. This was always the reaction James got. Thank God she was immune to his 'magnetism', otherwise she would have spent the majority of her life gawping at him like everyone else. Before she could reply, Lena felt a hand skim over the top of her head mussing her hair. Huffing, she blew her hair out of her eyes as James walked past, chuckling at his own immaturity. Reacting instinctively she poked her tongue out at him as his eyes danced with mirth.

"You cannot seriously tell me that there is nothing going on there," Rebekah said as she tried to oh-so-subtely catch another glimpse of James.

"You should have seen them larking about in dance class!" added Laurie, glancing at her with a sly grin. 

"Trust me we are just friends." Looking at a set of raised eyebrows she laughed. "Seriously! He's like a brother it would be totally weird."


Seeing there was no way to convince them, Lena picked at her food.

"Well, it looks like he is somewhat pre-occupied at the moment..."

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