Chapter 2- Kian's Announcement

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Faith's Point Of View

(Two weeks later)

I woke up to the bright sunshine streaming through my room window.

Slowly, i let one leg after the other fall on the cold wooden floor. I lifted myself up and made my way to the bathroom to fix up my crazy hair and my face.

I could hear the slight noise of voices around the house. Probably Kian and mom and dad having a small argument again.

I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom with my hair in a ponytail. Making my way back to the room i grabbed my clothes which consisted of high waist denim shorts and a white tank top with a light blue cardigan over it.

I applied light makeup and grabbed my bag and cell phone making my way down the stairs.


Kian's POV

"Mom, Dad, you just don't understand. I have to do this! For my viewers and for me!" i said in frustration.

The second my parents came down the stairs I sat them down to talk to them about a big thing going on with O2L.

Don't get me wrong, my parents are very supportive of me and are very proud of how far I have come with this. But as parents they are really worried.

"Kian are you insane! Do you really think we'll lwt you move to California all on your own?" My mother snapped, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Faith's voice stopped everyone, we just stood there and glanced at her quietly, "What is going on?" she repeated.

I sighed, "Mom and Dad won't let me move to California to be with the boys for a while. We need to get together, we haven't filmed a video together in months"
She glanced at mom, "I think Kian is responsible enough to stay safe and let us know if anything happens..."

I smiled. She's always got my back.

"We know that Faith, we just don't want him to be alone" , father commented putting his hands in his pockets.

Faith smiled, "He'll be with the boys. You know they always stay safe"

The room went silent. Faith gave me a hopeful smile and i smiled back knowing we had gotten what we wanted.

My mother sighed deeply, "You may go. On one condition," i gave her a look, "Faith must go with you"

"What?!" Faith exclaimed as she took one step forward, "I don't want to go to California..."

Mother smiled, "You're siblings. And you just proved how you stand up for each other." she turned to Faith, "You're going with him"

She groaned, "Fine........"

I frowned, "You want your daughter living with seven boys in one house?"

I don't want her there that's for sure!

My father shook his head, "Of course not, we know Faith. She can keep you boys out of trouble," he paused, "And i expect you to protect her. Plus, we know the boys. They'd never harm her"

I nodded. That's true. The last time they saw Faith was a long time ago, she was only like ten years old and shewore braces and stuff. I'm pretty sure they'd never harm her, she's like their sister as well.

I sighed, "I agree, Faith should come along"

Faith nodded, "I'll miss you guys alot, but if it means keeping Kian out of trouble and not worrying you, then i'm in"




Been updating quicker now :)

Lol I was planning on updating a chapter every day of this week but i'm afraid i wont be able to on Saturday because i have a doctors appointment to take off some stitches i got a few days ago xc

So i'll try to post two chapters on Sunday to make up for that :D

Enjoy this lil chap!
Love you guys!!!xoxoxo


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