Heartless Fanfiction Beforehand

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Hey guys, well people who are reading this. I want to start off with my writing is not that great and if you have advice on how to make that better please just message me.

Either way, I have decided to write this fanfiction on 12/29/16 because I finished reading Heartless on Christmas and it just left me feeling so empty. It literally went from things are going amazing to hell in the last 50 or so pages. I just want to feel better about the story, about Jest, about everything. SO I've been reading Heartless Fanfiction even though it's been months since I last read one. Also imaging a ton of scenarios in my head, and since I've been doing that I thought I might as well write a fanfiction. In hopes of not only making myself feel better, but others as well.

It's been three years and a half since I've written any fanfiction. Since then I have been writing on my own, but I'd rather not have that on here. Because of that I think my writing is okay, again I need a lot of work I mean I'm sixteen turning 17 in a month, so if you have any advice just message me.

This fanfiction takes place a little bit after the courtship between the King and Catherine, and the tea party. I might add some other things that happen after that event in the book to the fanfiction, but I might not. I also might chance the point of view, but right now I'm leaning to not changing it. Just because I don't want to have the readers know Jest's true deep feelings towards Cath in that way.

I hope you guys like it. It should start soon, and I'll update it as often as I can. If not a few times a week, then for sure weekly. If you have any questions about the next time I will update it just message me.

Also all rights to the characters and settings to Marissa Meyer, and Lewis Carroll.

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