An Ugly Vision

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I just got up thinking it was a nightmare. After all I do have nightmares so often and they even come true. But this one was the worst.
I got up thinking my day will go normal. None of my days used to, but still. I had just turned 13 and had been experiencing really weird things. I got up and just geared up for school didn't know what was about to happen. Oh wait ! I forgot to introduce myself . Srry about that. My name is Anelka Grace .I stay in Seattle is U.S.A. Daughter of Rachel Grace and I dont really know my dad ! Mom says he was in the army and went on a dangerous battle and never came back , she says that she loves him a lot but hasn't got a single picture of his. But I always have this feeling that she lies to me.However lets get back to the introduction. I'm in the 8th grade and I'm a loser because I have dyslexia. I have learned to control it to a certain level but it's not cured. But at the same time im super-athletic, really quick at everything and very physically powerful (I don't know that if it's a good trait for a girl like me).I always win prizes at sports but really moderate at studies. I have many friends, frenemies and they are all in relationships but I am a loser as I told u before. No one fools with me around too much because last year I accidentally slapped a girl because she annoyed me and her cheek bone cracked along with a dismantled jaw. I have a really good friend and her name is Valerie. Enough Introduction lets get back to the real life ! I met up with Valerie as I usually do and went to school. I didnt go to some special school due to my dyslexia.So it was even tougher for me to cope up with studies. I experience many weird - creepy things like some strangers staring at me , gazing at me from afar some even Stalked me ! But not like what happened today. The school went well until recess but as soon as the bell hit I looked around for Valerie as we had our lunch together but she wasn't around I went out of the class searching for her i felt I saw her from the window near the ground I ran down at my top speed which is really fast and she kept going farther away I kept following her until she reached a dead end and I realised I was out of school in some lonely alleyway. I saw Valerie's back facing me and I told her to turn, she turned and I collapsed shocked by the devastating scene which took place in my nightmare. I can't call it nightmare because now it was a vision !

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