strange occourances

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the loud blaring of my alarm clock awoke me at the same time as always. 7 am. i got up with a sigh, getting dressed in my uniform as i made my way to my car. i drove to my work. i worked as an editor at a local magazine. the pay wasn't too bad since i got that raise and the co-workers were nice enough. on my way to get coffee i saw a strange man outside of the window on the street, he was wearing a blue mask with no eyes and a black hoodie. a brushed it off and got my coffee before going work. during my lunch break and whenever else i looked out the window i would see the same man, i found it so strange but thought nothing of it, maybe it was a simple coincidence? i was always so naive, ever since i was young. not much has changed since then. you would've thought my 4 years of journalism and writing would've gotten me more then a desk job. i just have to deal with it i guess. once i was off work it was dark like always but my boss wanted me to see him. so i did, i walked to his office once everyone left and closed the door behind me. " please have a seat miss (ln)" he said softly, he was a dream boat to all the women but i never seen what they did. blonde hair and blue eyes, his hair tussled every which way and his tie lose on his neck. i sat down on the soft chair and folded my hands in my lap. " now, i know you've worked here for a while and id like to offer you a raise to manager. " i was so happy, i smiled wide before i felt his hand on my thigh.. " but of coarse...i would like a little something in return.." i moved away and shook my head, heading to the door before he suddenly pinned me against the wall. before i could scream he covers my mouth. " come now surely you do not think your Intel would get you anywhere do you? i hired you because you were an attractive woman. " i screamed and tried to kick him off, he shoved his hand in my pants before suddenly he was off me and somebody was on top of him, snarling and clawing at his stomach. i shook and ran out of the room, running home as fast as i could, crying. the rest of the night was a blur of drinking and crying from the whole incident of almost being raped. and yet i wonder who my savior was. i would like to thank him.

a small town girl in a monsterous world (eyeless jack x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora