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I was walking through the woods with tears rolling down my face, I lost everyone I love in a matter of days and I had to end it all for them except my little sister. I sat at the trunk of a tree, I have no reason to live. I took out a piece of paper and started writing.

I pinned the note to the tree and took out my hunting knife. I dragged the sharp blade across my wrist leaving a deep horizontal cut on my left wrist. I repeated the process three more times before everything started getting blurry, I saw a figure walking through the woods and they turned to see me.

I threw my knife down and they ran to me, I saw them drop to their knees before I felt pressure being applied to my bleeding wrist.

"It's ok, I want this..." I whispered before falling unconscious.

Daryl's POV

I was hunting when I saw a girl propped up against a tree, I thought she was a walker untell she threw her knife down and then I saw her wrists bleeding.

I knew what she did and my body had a mind of its own, I ran to her. I dropped to my knees and tried to stop her wrists from bleeding.

"It's ok, I want this..." She whispered before going limp.

'No it's not ok, I'm not letting you die. Do I know why I want you alive? Hell no, I don't know why I care but I do.'

I tied my bandana tightly around her wrist and picked her up, I was about to leave when I saw a piece of paper on the tree she was sat against.

If anyone reads this just know that I lost everyone I love, I had no reason to live. I'm weak, too weak for this world. Sure I'm physically strong and build for survival but I'm too mentally weak to be by myself. If you find my body walking around the woods shoot me in the head so I can be with my family again.

Thank you,
Jade Smith.

I tore the paper off the tree and crumbled it up.

'Your not alone anymore kid.'

I ran back to camp to get her proper help, I saw people working and kids playing.

Lori saw me with the unconscious girl and sprung up to help, Shane saw and walked towards me.

"Who's that?" Shane asked me gaining the attention of the rest of the camp, Carol and Lori took her to patch her up.

"Why you bringin' home strays Lil' brother?" Merle asked.

"I wasn't gonna let 'er die." I stated, they looked at me confused.

"Ain't my story ta tell." I said before walking to my tent, I heard someone following me.

"Wha' do ya want Merle?" I asked without turning around.

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