No... Lexi...

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Shane bust the door open and everyone raised their weapons as walkers came stumbling out, one after another they were all shot. Everyone lowered their weapons until they heard another walker, they all looked at the barn and saw a saddening sight. To everyone else it was just little girl who suffered an unfortunate fate but not to Jade.

Jade- "No... Lexi!!!"

Realization came to the faces of some of the group members as Jade ran towards the walking corpse of her sister but she was stopped by the one person wanted nothing to do with.

Jade- "Let go, Glenn! That's my sister! That's my baby sister!"

Glenn- "She's gone, Jade! You'd only get yourself killed."

Jade watched as Daryl shot her sister in the head causing her to crumble to the ground, tears fell freely from Jade's eyes as she broke from Glenn's grasp and ran into the woods.


I cried while writing this cause Lexi is based off my real sister. My sister is named Alexis but everyone calls her Lexi, she's 6 but is small and I love her to bits!

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