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'Day two

Yesterday, we agreed to meet each other back at the coffee shop.

Today, I went. Today, he went. Today, we saw each other.

Today, he wore his hair down.

Today, he was walking better. He said his balls had healed. That made me giggle.

Today, he was wearing a brace on both of his knees. I asked why. He answered by saying that he has bad knees. I understood.

Today, he asked my why I drank my coffee like the way I did. Again. I answered him this time, I told-'

"Excuse me? Ma'am? May I sit here?" A young man, no more than 21 asked me. Currently, I was on a bus. My mother and father had called me over to their house, saying that I was in desperate need of 'a good time'. And since everyone was on holiday for spring break, they thought it would be the perfect time.

I looked up at this guy who interrupted me while I read the second entry of my journal, nodding quickly. I cracked my fingers nervously as he took out his laptop, scooting towards the window after his knee brushed mine. I wasn't a particular fan of physical touching with strangers. I closed my old journal, wanting to read the rest privately. I didn't admire the fact of him basically breathing down my neck. I was probably exaggerating, it was mostly expected since I fairly hefty man sat beside the guy, taking up one and a half seats. The half was including the guy-who-sat-next-to-me's seat.

"I won't bite ya." The guy- I'll call him Laptop Guy because he didn't seem to look away from it the slightest, even when he talked. I didn't dare to be snoopy, so I kept my eyes away from the screen.

"I know you don't bite. People don't bite. People rape. People molest. People kidnap girls going to their parents' house." I said, almost meanly. I didn't like strangers. Meeting new people made it too easy to get hurt.

"I meant it metaphorically. Just like every other metaphor in history. Take it easy." He chuckled, continuing to type quickly, even as he talked. That was impressive to me, he didn't hit the backspace button once, even when he talked. Multitasker to the max. "Take a joke." He said, then finally tore his eyes off of the brightly illuminated screen. He X'd out of all of the tabs he had open before closing the foldable screen.

"I can take a joke. But currently, I'm not in the mood for jokes. Especially with odd strangers that can type and talk at the same time." I said, then looked back at him. It wasn't until now that I got a secure look at him. He was pale, and his hair was scruffy and just . . . Out of place. And his eyes were icy blue and his lips were thin. But cute.

"Well, I'm sorry. That specific stranger didn't realize that you were going through a rough patch and is sorry to disturb you." He said, looking down at his laptop and then back up at the seat in front of him. "I'm sorry." He mumbled again. He apologized a lot. Maybe I should revise his name to That Guy That Says Sorry Too Many Times.

"Don't be. I've been in a mood lately." I said, pressing my lips together. "My name is Katrina." I said randomly, counting the number of trees we passed as the bus got a little bit faster.

"Katrina. Hello Katrina. I'm Niall." He said, and then the bus stopped. And Niall stood. And I stayed. But he left one memory of his presence behind:

His phone number.

'I told him about my theorem. Two negatives equal a positive. The more I drown myself in black, dark coffee, the more it clashes with my black heart. If my theorem is correct, sooner or later I'll be okay.

He laughed.

Then he smiled.

Then he looked at me.

He told me it was the most clever, yet dorky, yet outlandish thing he heard.'

if you're wondering, the person in the journal and the person she sat next to on the bus are two completely different people.

Thank you for reading. You're votes make my day.

I love you all.

It's not spell checked by the way. I'm too lazy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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