Chapter Two

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"A man? As in just one man? Are you sure there weren't any others?" Miles chewed the end of his pencil and glared at his computer screen.

Miles didn't look like the commonly stereotyped nerd, but more like the cocky jock. He didn't wear glasses and catching him in anything other than exercise clothes was a rarity. He sported the hairstyle where only the hair near the forehead was spiked up and the rest to fall accordingly. Seth on the other hand acted and looked like the cocky jock.

    "Yes, I'm sure there was only one man. No one came charging at the girl and I as we hustled out of there," I sat back in my seat playing with a loose string on the hem of my shirt.

    "That wasn't supposed to happen, we calculated six guards... three in the cellar, one on the roof, and two on the first floor. Where did the five go?"

    "Have we asked where the girl came from yet?" Seth grinned at Miles, knowing that the incorrect calculations that he had made were going to kill him.

    "A girl? What girl?" Miles' frantic eyes turned to scan my face waiting for an answer.

    "C'mon, Miles. You didn't know? Skylar brought back a girl,"

    "No, I must not have caught it... she didn't show up on the monitor. She didn't show up at all. How do you know?"

    "I don't have my eyes glued to a computer, that is at this point, broken,"

    "Seth, my computer isn't broken. The way I designed it, there is no possible way it can be broken,"

    "Obviously, you suck at designing. Could it be a user error?"

    "No. It is not a user error, you fool. Skylar, where is the girl now?"

    "She's under heavy surveillance. The healers are checking her out right now,"

    "What color were her eyes?"

    "Miles how is that important?" Seth groaned as he stood up.

    "I don't think that was a little girl... I think we've gotten tricked,"

    "They weren't yellow,"

    "You're sure,"


    "Where did she come from then?"

    "The healers are running tests on her now. The tests should be able to tell us whether or not she's one of us,"

    "Well I know she's one of us. There is no way she can be one of us,"

    "Oh really," Seth went for the mini fridge beside and pulled out a canned soda.

    "Yes, why else would she not show up on my computer."

    "For the same reason why your computer showed five extra guys. We've covered this, Miles. You're precious computer is broken."

    Miles spun around in his chair to face Seth. "Seth, my computer is not broken. Klaus is messing with us and that girl is human. He has been baiting us this entire time and we are fools for not noticing it until now."

    Klaus wasn't trying to bait us. He was trying to distract us. With one man he has more men available, but he rigged it so Miles' computer would show that there were six guards. With six guards, Klaus anticipated that we would send more people out. He added the girl as a decoy, to ensure that we would be distracted for a longer period of time. I was foolish for not noticing this.

    "Correction, you were a fool for not noticing it until now. Also, why was there only one guy if your computer isn't broken? Why would Klaus bait us, but risk losing us by only having one guy?"

    "Klaus wasn't trying to capture us, he was trying to distract us," I sat up in my chair as if we were about to leave.

    "Klaus used the girl and the man as decoys,"

    "To do what though?"

    "I have no clue,"

  "What if the girl is Klaus?"

"He isn't. I would've noticed,"

"It's Klaus. I don't think you would've noticed,"

"Miles, he's a may be a Hybrid, but when he shifts, his eyes would still be yellow,"

"It's Klaus,"

"It doesn't matter,"

"Skylar is right, Miles. She is equally as powerful as Klaus and an experienced Hybrid, I think she'd know,"

"He could've found another way. When will the healers be done?"

"Miles, Klaus is not the girl,"

"I need to make sure, okay? Very bad things could be happening as we speak if he is," Miles stood from his desk and locked his computer.

"He wouldn't have placed himself directly in the center of our compound. I don't think he would do that unless he already had people on the inside, which we know he doesn't. It's too much of a ridiculous plan for Klaus and it's certainly not the strategy he would come up with," Seth stood as well, ready to follow Miles to the healing room.

"He was able to rewrite the data my system had received and override the security on my computer. I can assure you that is near impossible if not impossible. I want to make sure that Klaus isn't the girl and that our compound is still under strict security, because if it crashes it will all be my fault," Miles looked at me for approval.

"The healers are probably done and have the information they need given Klaus isn't the girl. If the girl isn't Klaus then she is likely important enough to be in the hands of Klaus, but not important enough to be of value. We should run a background on her and find out everything we can about her to see if there is anything that could be of use to Klaus besides being a possible decoy. She's probably still terrified and will want to go home to her parents. We will take her home and we'll make sure that she is guarded at all times," I knew the girl wasn't Klaus. I know him very well and would've been able to tell.

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