That Girl

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marcella on the side


I scoffed at the blonde girl that sat in front of me as she shot me a sly smile , arms crossed over her chest. I flipped my brown hair over my shoulder , glaring at her. She looked to the rest of the girls noticing them watching with an amused look.

"Vilde I'm not going to the damn party because you feel the need to be more liked by boys!" I snap

"That's a bit much" Noora chimes in seeing Vilde flinch back from my tone

"And her calling me a dry slut is?" I ask standing up "If you want me to go to that damn party so bad you better come up with some damn good reasons"

I turn my back towards them and walk off needing to cool off some steam. I feel the eyes of the Penetrator boys watching me as I continue my walk towards the school doors.

"Oi Marcella" Chris calls his large hand wrapping around my bicep.

"What do you want Chris?" He gives me a lopsided smile as he pulls me closer his face in my neck

"Go on a date with me this weekend?" His hot breath fanning over my lips now

I lean closer licking my lips looking into his eyes. "Get a life and stay out of mine Schistad"

He stumbles from the push I deliver to his chest, I continue my walk into the building and go to my maths class not wanting to be bothered. Sitting at my desk I stared out the window lost in my thoughts.

Last night was truly terrible, my mum came home reeking of alcohol and cologne from another man. My father only helped her get in bed, it hurt me to watch such an amazing person like him get torn apart by such a pathetic person like her. I was an only child so my home was pretty lonely at times. I scribbled down the notes that were written on the board so that I could just sit there and listen. The bell rang and everyone walked in.

After the class ended I walked out to the tables where the girls and I sat for lunch. I pulled out my fruit salad and yogurt with my bottled water. The girls walked over and sat down greeting me.

"Hello Ella" Chris smiled tying her hair up as she sat down.

"Hi Chris" I smile

"Vilde we aren't doing that" Eva snorted as her Noora, Sana and Vilde sat down

"Do what?"Chris asked

"Ask Marcella to hook up with Penetrator Chris" Sana answered a smirk on her red lips

I let out a chuckle followed by fits of giggles, tears falling from my eyes from how much I laughed at that statement.

"That's hilarious Vilde" I grinned wiping away my tears "There is no way I'm hooking up with that fuckboy"

"Oh come on all this school is talking about is you and Chris being a thing" She whined

" They can kiss my ass then because there never will be anything between me and Chris" I bit into a strawberry swallowing it before  continuing "I wouldn't ever hook up with him he's just another fuckboy"

"Wow talking about me again Marcella?" I hear a voice say from behind me

"Sadly" I sigh "Vilde and you need to understand that this isn't ever going to happen so stop pestering me "

" princess" Chris taunted holding my face in his hand "You can't get rid of me that easily"

"Bite me" I glare standing up and grabbing my bag as I stormed off. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands were shaking with rage. I wanted only one thing and that was to slam his head into a wall.

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