7. Unintended dreams

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I didn't want to but I fell into the dark abyss of sleep.
I sat in a cold chair at a tin table in a white room, that was so filthy it was hardly white anymore. A man in a white coat sat across from me at the table, I didn't like him, he scared me.
"What are you?" his loud voiced boomed.
I stayed quiet, looking down at the table.
"Do you have a hearing problem?" He said angrily "What are you?"
"A-a human" I choked barely audible.
"No! What are you really?" He barked quickly becoming impatient slamming his fist on the table making it rattle, he stood and made his way over to me.
"Filthy mutant," he hissed in my ear like serpent "nothing more than a blemish on humanities perfect face. Just another freak with out a family ", I screamed.
The room shook violently, the lights flashing until bursting creating sparks that fell every where, sharp shards of earth rose from the floor nearly impaling the man, the monster.
Hot tears cascade down my face as fight my restraints. The monster or the man stands up straight "good little freak" he says as he grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks it back, pain was the first thing I felt then came the shock. I watched as he pushed a needle into my neck, feeling the burns travel under my skin. I fell limp in my chair. Monster... Freak... Abomination.
I wake up to a terrible scream. I shoot up from my bed from the sudden noise, my heart racing . I scan the room for the source of it, wondering if Wanda was just playing upstairs again then I realize she's at school. I look over to Eli's make shift bed on the couch.
Her covers are barely covering her feet, her knees are curled up into her chest, she's shaking uncontrollably backwards and forwards, she mumbles incoherent moods to herself.
I run over to her kneeling beside her, I shake her shoulder which is drenched with sweat "Eli? Eli!" I ask frantically desperate for her to open her eyes "Eli! Eli wake up!" I stare at her face studding her furrowed eyebrows, her lips that seemed to be talking to somebody. She let out another scream and sat straight up.
I sat next to her cautiously trying not to startle her. I cup her cheek which is hot and wet in my hand but I didn't care, I stare into her beautiful tear stained eyes. She looks at me then bursts into tears, burying her head in my shoulder.
I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing circles into her back, it hurt me to see her in pain. I wanted to punch whatever had done this to her in the face, but I stayed there with her, whispering in her ear as she cried "it's okay, I've got you. You're okay".
After a while the crying subsided to small sniffles, I pick her up bridal style then sit back down so her legs are resting on my lap. She looks up at me with puffy eyes, "thank you Peter" she sniffs looking down at her lap "I'm sorry for waking you up, with my nightmares -I" I cut her off, I couldn't believe she was apologizing for this.
"Don't apologize, your safety is more important to me than me sleeping in" I say seriously reaching to hold her sweaty hands.
She smiles at her hands in mine, but her smile falters slightly.
I squeeze her hand tightly
"you want some breakfast?" I say trying to change the subject "I know this diner that makes chocolate chip pancakes till 12:30".
She looks at the clock "11:55, pancakes sound good" she smiles at me swinging her legs around and off the couch "although I haven't had them in a while".
My jaw dropped "well we need to fix that right now!" I threw her jeans and boots at her "come on! Pancakes awaits us!"
She laughed, I liked her laugh.

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