Part One

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Dear Moony,

I know it has been a couple weeks since I fled from Hogwarts and I apologize for making contact so late, but I couldn't find the write words to put down on parchment. I wish I could say that when I was in Azkaban, for those twelve horrendous years, not a day went by that I didn't think of you, but I had to muster the strength to keep you off my mind; if I had thought of you than the dementors would strip me from the happiness you gave me. When I sneaked onto the grounds of Hogwarts I didn't search for Peter first because I saw you walking in the forest. Remus you have no idea how much I wanted to approach you. I wanted to kiss you, hold you again, but I had to capture Peter so that I could walk, hand in hand with you, as a free man. Though, I can say that when I saw you in the Shrieking Shack I wanted to jump you right there, but I couldn't due to Harry and his friends being around. I don't think they would appreciate us snogging in front of them. How have you been? Wait nevermind that's a stupid question. You must have been suffering without my presence. On a serious note (pun intended) I'm sorry for leaving you alone for all these years; I hope you've been at least somewhat okay. Remus you need to know, that as much as I want to be with you, we can't be together. Since Peter escaped, again, I am on the run from aurors and dementors, you can't have a life and be with me at the same time. All I want is for you to be happy and you can't have that with me. Please Remus move on and find yourself a nice, not on the run, wizard or muggle, woman or man. Just know that I will always love you and think of you every time I look up at the moon.

Love always and forever,


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