Part Three

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Dear Moony,

When I was talking to Harry for the first time I told him, if he wanted to, he could move in with me, to 12 Grimmauld Place. This was when I thought Peter would be turned in and I would walk as a free man. However, seeing as it didn't work out the way we hoped it would I can only have hope that when this war is over Harry, you and I can be a family. Because when we were exiting the Shrieking Shack that was all I could think about. That's all I ever thought about since the moment we confessed our love for each other. When we were younger I dreamed of marrying you, Remus. I dreamed of raising kids with you. That use to be all I wanted. Now with the two of us being much older I can only imagine this war being over, living with you and Harry being our godson. Remus all I want is to be with you. I count the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds till we can see each other again. I recently accepted that 12 Grimmauld Place is where I shall be hiding out. I offered the place to Dumbledore to be the new Order of the Phoenix headquarters. He told me he was going around and recruiting some wizards he trusted wholeheartedly; I can presume that when you receive this letter he would have talked to you about it and you accepted the offer. Come home Remus. Come home to me, to this wretched house and rest before he sends you on a mission. I need to see you. You helped me understand that we can get through anything. Together we are stronger than we are apart. I need to hold you in my arms to know for sure that you're safe. Remus I have gone far too long without your affection. I can't stand another moment without your endearing presence. There are going to be awkward moments, that we will both despise, but things are not going to be the same as they were before. It may take weeks to go back to how we were as a couple before, but I will wait as long as it takes to reach that point again. Just come home to me, so we can be as you said, "whole". Moony, my moon, I love you always.

Love always and forever,


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