The Silver Ninja

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Llyod made his way to the bounty. He went up to find out that his mom and Sensei Wu found some scrolls. They told of a another ninja who will be the protector of the Green ninja and the forests and lands. 
"Hey I thought WE were the protectors of the Green ninja!!!!" Jay complained. 
"You now have another ninja to protect." Wu pointed out
"Yeah whoever he is we welcome him." Kai said
"Correct." Wu said.
"Does it say where he is? Or where we can find him?" Zane asked Misako
"No. It just says this ninja will have powers beyond this world." Misako answered. Nya came out from the other room.
"Remember you guys are going to see those kids at the orphanage." Nya reminded the boys.
"That's right. Nya set a coarse to there!" Kai said Nya ran into the control room. "Already on it!"

The bounty stopped over a small, but nice house. Kids from the age 3-10 ran out from the house. Two teenage girls came out from the house after all the kids. One girl was holding a tiny, plump baby. The other had a bigger baby in her arms. The 5 ninja, and Nya and down from the ladder. Wu and Misako stayed to finger out where there new ninja was. Nya greeted the two girls. 
"Hello, I'm Nya, this is Kai, Zane, Lloyd, Jay, and Cole." Nya said to the girls. 
"Nice to meet you all. I'm Lavender and this is my younger sister Flower. We are so happy to have you." Lavender said.
"We are happy to be here." Kai said "You guys can do what ever you want with the kids. Just nothing too dangerous please." Lavender said. Lavender got a little closer to the boys, her eyes wandered around making sure no one was around to hear her. "My sister Flower has some news for you guys that you might want to hear." Lavender said with seriousness. Lavender looked at Flower. Flower nodded. "But we can talk about that after the kids have gone to bed." Lavender said putting a smile back on her face. It was 5, the ninja played with the kids for a good hour, then it was dinner for a while then all the kids went to bed at 8. 
"That was fun." Zane said
"They were all so cute!" Nya said. Nya went back to the bounty. The 5 ninja followed Flower up to the attic. Lavender was putting all the kids to bed. Flower sat down at a table and the others did the same. 
"So you had important news?" Kai asked Flower.
"Yes. Bad news. Let me tell you what happened a few days ago." Flower said in a soft voice. 
"3 days ago I went on a hike and when I was just walking, well I heard something strange. It sounded like growling. I thought it was a wolf or something, but, it wasn't. It was a Grim. Nasty creatures that feed off of negativity. They are attracted to it. And they attack. I have read all about them in books. I never really believed in them. Until they attacked..." There was a long pause

"Attacked what?" Jay asked
"M-Me..." The guys were so surprised.
"If you don't mind, will you show us where the grim attacked you?" Zane asked. Flower shyly nodded and got up. She turned around and partly took off her shirt. The guys almost freaked out until they saw 3 deep and long claw marks going across her back. The claw marks had black cracks coming from it. Flower put down her shirt. 
"How did you get away?" Cole asked
"I don't know. There was a flash of light after I got hit, then when the bright light was gone so was the grim. Sorry I don't know anything else." Flower said.
"No, no its ok. I think you are a bigger part of this that you think." Kai said. Nya rushed in and said something to the boys. Llyod said something back and they all nodded. Llyod got up.
"Flower, this might be surprising but we think you are the next ninja." before Flower could react Lavender rushed in, in a panic. "Flower, its Sarah, its happening again, but its worse!" Lavender said. "Get the antibiotic! I will get the oxygen mask!" Flower said running down the stairs. "Whats going on?!" Kai asked but Flower was long gone. The other older children were clearing off a table. They laid the 8 year old girl on the table. Lavender jammed a needle into her and Flower put a mask on her. Sarah was gasping for air. Flower started to give her CPR.

"Come one baby girl." Lavender said. "Sarah you need to breath!" Flower said. Sarah stopped squirming around. Flower kept going. "Sarah!" Flower cried out and started pushing on Sarah harder. Lavender pushed Flower away. "No! I'm going to save her!" Flower said as tears rushed to her eyes. Lavender held Flower as Flower kicked. "You can't" Lavender said. Flower stopped kicking and fell to the ground. Flower got herself up a cried into Sarah's chest. A beautiful aura surrounded Flower. light green vines came from her. Flower looked up astounded at what was happening. The vines wrapped around Sarah. Flower tears stopped. Sarah opened her eyes and gasped for air. Flower jumped up and wrapped her arms around Sarah. 
"Sarah! Your ok!" Flower said. Lavender went to the boys. 
"We've had Sarah for a long time. She had a bad illness. We never knew how bad it was." Lavender said. After a while when things finally settled down Lloyd told Flower again about her being the next ninja. 
"I have to help my sister with the orphanage! And I-" Flower said then Lavender cut in. 
"Flower, this is your destiny. I can take care of these crazy kids. Go make your future brighter than ever before. Go save people just like how you saved Sarah." Lavender said. Flower looked at Sarah who was a sleep on the bed. Lavender pulled Flower into a bear hug. 
"Go help people." Lavender said Flower nodded and hugged back. "I will miss you Lavender." Flower said letting go and waving goodbye at the other children as she left. 

The Silver Ninja: A ninjago FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now