0.2 - [Part One]

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tuesday, march 14th of 2017

Check out the author's note at the end of the update.

[Arsenio begins his job on Monday]

That chosen street in New York on that very Saturday was receiving 'torrential' rain, as the weather man often said.

Penelope held her umbrella away from her head and spread her arms wide, letting the cold droplets slide down her bare face and through her tight braid. She disregarded the odd glances from people who probably didn't recognize her, for it was a beautiful day in Penelope's eyes.

She thought back to the days when she ran around the family estate in upstate New York.

She remembered the living room walls being sunshine yellow. Her small, clad-less feet would pad across the wood floors and her father, Oswald, would hoist her into the air with a breathless smile on his face.

That was before their home was sold.

That was before they moved to the inner city.

That was before her father took control of the Prescott family company.

That was before her mother came back.

Penelope had four older brothers, biologically her half siblings but she would never say such aloud.

Long ago, her father had married a woman named Harriet, and as far as Penelope knew that had been her father's first and only love. Between them, four lovely boys had been born: Ezra, Percy, Rafferty, and Jett.

After ten years of marriage, Harriet was diagnosed with a rare, untreatable form of cancer.

Some years after she died, Oswald wasn't looking for love, he was simply looking for a caregiver for his young sons. He of all people knew what it was like to live without the influence of a courageous woman.

Penelope's mother, Victoria, had forcefully taken the Prescott name.

Short months later, Victoria had been pronounced pregnant with a baby girl, Penelope.

It was much too overwhelming, and soon after Penelope was born, Victoria had fled from the grid with over half of Oswald's fortune, leaving her small, dependent child behind to contend to the matters of her own heart and desires.

Even though the boys were intolerant of Victoria, it didn't make them love their little sister any less.

After Penelope reached the ripe age of ten, Victoria returned, and a desperate Oswald had naively let her back into their lives.

They moved from the homey estate on a manicured farm to a large tower that overlooked the city. At first, Penelope had been delighted to have her mother, a woman that she hadn't met previously, to teach her how to be a regal beauty in a man's world. A short time later, Penelope realized that she wasn't a kind woman at all after continuous attempts to send her and her brothers away to various boarding schools thousands upon thousands of miles away.

Penelope allowed the thoughts to distance from her mind as she came upon the small coffee shop in which her office resided.

She rejoiced in that familiar fragrance of various beans that the baristas often experimented with just outside of her lair.

Pulling off the hefty rain jacket, she laid it over to the side, slowly making her way to the mismatched desk that appeared to have her mail laying on top.

Her fingers brushed the cyan colored font on the front of the popular gossip magazine which Penelope usually paged through to pass the time when she had writer's block.

Only this time, the weekly publication had Penelope grabbing her chest, hoping to ease the ache of betrayal that the regal beauty left in her wake.

There on the front cover was her mother, with chestnut brown hair that flowed in perfect waves, and a long trench coat that billowed around her immaculate figure, and lastly, and expensive looking pair of black sunglasses that covered her steely eyes from view of the peering public.

Everything about Victoria Prescott appeared the be faultless, except the fact that maybe she didn't want to be Victoria Prescott anymore. The youthful,  energetic-looking partner that Victoria was sporting said that maybe she didn't want to be a mom, nor a wife.



I thank each and every one of you for tuning into my spotty, short updates and continuing to support me anyway.

Have an amazing day filled with a sense of accomplishment; we hit the K's, guys.


[ word count : 734 words ]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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