New Kid

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The surprise was a boy whose name was James Blaze. Now this wasn't what I was expecting. Can he even play football? Is he going to join the team? A voice came from the door "Open up!" I rushed and unlocked, Adele barging in. "Why is she here?" Frank thought aloud. "I'm your new manager." I think I'm having a nightmare.
If she can't manage her self, how is she suppose to look after a group of 11 boys that don't like her? I have no idea.
"Who said?"
Of course. The big man decides on everything. He even named the school after himself. Raimon junior high. Pretty shit name if you ask me. No offense.
"So James let me introduce the team. This is Jayden."
"What's up?"
"Frank." Frank is one of my friends. To be honest, we're not that close. The first time we met was when me and Jayden joined the team.
"Thaion" Thaion is one of the popular kids and is really chill unlike the others of his kind. He plays as striker and trust me.

You wouldn't want to mess with him.

"How ya doing?"

"Guershon" Guershon is the fastest kid I know. As soon as he starts running, there's no way you can catch up with him. He's technically the human version of speedy gonzalez.

"Yo man."

"Zero" Zero is the craziest/ best dancer and musician I've met on the team. He's one of the midfielders.

"Nice to meet you."

"Kevin" Kevin Parks is my cousin. Even though we are related, we don't communicate as much. He's a midfielder with Zero.

"Joey" Joey hearts is the boy that all girls dig. He went out with almost every girl and each date ended with him having a massive hand print on his face. Ouch.

"If you need tips with women, I'm your man."

"Ben" Benjamin Bays. Strongest boy on the team. Arm-wrestling champion two years running. Now that's amazing.

"Hi, James. If anyone messes with you call me, okay?"

"Jake" Jake Simmers is the fattest boy in the school. Every morning, you will see him with a box of chicken from the restaurant down the street. But he is a pretty good defender.

"You want some doughnuts?"

"Scott" Scott Duncan. Have you ever met someone that seems so cool and ordinary when you first talk to them then they get super annoying? Well he's that person. What's worse he sits right in front of me in History.


And me. "Hi, I'm Jullian Parks and I'm the team captain. Pleasure to meet you."

"Thanks everyone. I will be your new striker. The principal said training will be after school and Jullian, your detention is cancelled."

Yes! Celebration Time, C'mon!

We already have three strikers, though. Then why is he here? He looked familiar. I know I've seen him somewhere. Just where?

"Hey Jullian break is over. Time for History, let's go." We left the club room and enter the school building. "James, which room are going to?" I asked.

"A 28"

"Same, you can come with us." The principal's voice suddenly burst out of the speakers." James Blaze, come to the principal's office. Now."

"Bye." He ran up the stairs case, a book dropped out of his bag. I went over and picked it up but he was already gone. I read the title. 'The Legendary eleven'. It was tattered and a bit stained but was still in a reasonable condition. Tempted, I opened the book and shock charged through me.

At the bottom it had my name.

'Jullian Parks. Age 11. Number 1.'

Who is James Blaze? And what does he want?

Hi guys thanks for reading this book. I hope you liked this part because I couldn't think of anything. Literally.  So don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks bye!😃

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