The Book

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My name was in that book. Did he already know me? I read the rest of the pages but none of the words made sense. It was basically scribbles and some kind of coded language. Quickly, I walked to history entering the classroom.
"Mr. Parks. You're late."

"Sorry Miss Kain." I hurried to my seat, Jayden staring at the book. "What is that?" He whispered.
"It's some kind of book. James dropped it." I passed it to him. Turning the pages, Jayden shook his head.
"Man, this book is messed up. What should we do? Give it back to him?"
"NO.  This could tell us something about him. For all we know, he could be here to spy on us." It's true. This happened 30 years ago. This school, Raimon junior high, had a football team but all got injured in a car crash because of that one person.

A spy.

It was August the 11th. The day that I was born. It was also the day my grandfather died. He died in that car crash. This is why I came to this school.

To find out more.

To find out who did it and why. "Hey." I turned to Jayden, his lips curved into a massive smile." Lets ask James about it. C'mon it won't be that bad."
" Alright".

Ring! Ring!

"Bye bye, children!" We both left when James appeared from the stairs. "Oi, James." His head turned, his eyes landed on the book.
"I see you found my book." He came towards us to take it, Jayden moved the book around constantly, James unable to get it. "I will give you the book if you answer some of our questions." Why does he always have to make the situation awkward? I did not agree to do it. Like this.

"First why is Jullian's name in the book?" James's smile slipped into a straight line, sweat  appeared to drip down his face.
"Come with me." James went back up the stairs. We followed. He then turned. To the principal's office. He opened the door.
"Show them."
"Why?" The principal asked confused.
"He has the right to know. Just do it." With no question, the bookshelf started to move until a staircase showed. James went through and so did we, entering a room I've never been in before. Who would have know Principal Raimon had a hidden room in his office?
"What is this room?" I questioned, examining the area. There were a set of computer screens and a massive monitor. Then, on the walls were posters, newspapers and diagrams.
"Jullian, do you know who your grandfather really was?" James ripped off one of the pictures from the wall and pointed.

There was a picture of my grandfather and several other people. "Your grandfather was part of a group called the legendary eleven."

What? I knew he was in a foot ball team but, what?

"Who are the legendary eleven?" Jayden asked.

"They were the best football team who were also know for making up moves known as 'hissatsu techniques'. And because you are a descendant of the goalkeeper, you have the power to learn them and so do I."

Oh. My. Gosh!

"We aren't the only ones that can learn 'hissatsu techniques' they are many other people like us that can. They just haven't realised or they have already assembled a team"  My heart skipped a beat. I pinched my self and closed my eyes. This was real.

"So can I learn hissatsu techniques?" Jayden asked. I laughed, he muttered under his breath, "please say yes, Please say yes."

"No." He sighed. "But,"


"You can learn aura techniques. Aura techniques are moves that can be developed and are really cool." This is so weird. I wondered around some more. On the wall, pictures of my grandfather and others hung there. They looked really young. Around my age.
"Also," I turned to the principal, devastation covered his face. "As you would know, your grandfather died. Well, you see, he isn't dead."

Are you kidding me?

So through out my entire life I was lied to. I was being filled with lies about my grandfather. The one person I looked up to. "Does anyone else know about this?" I asked, a tear escaped my eye, it rushes down; Anger entered my fists. Ready to strike at any moment.
"Yes but only a few."

"So out of all people, I couldn't know?"

"Jullian calm down. It was for your own good. But now you know, so chill. Okay?" I nodded, releasing my fists. " Oh yeah and one more thing. Well the principal should tell you." I faced the man. I needed to know more. To find out how and why me.
"Well Jullian, this might sound a bit crazy but you are special."

"What do you mean by 'special'?" He paused, shaking his head. "Go on, tell me."

"You see, you are not an ordinary child. You... You are a second stage child."

What the heck is going on?

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