Lillie X Hau : "Letters are so old fashioned"

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The sun shined brightly onto the Island. Iki town was relatively quiet at sunset as many of the Islanders were inside with their families. Hau sat down on a bench staring off into the sunset trying to think of the right words to say. He smiled and putting his pen to the paper to write,

Dear Lillie,

I like you!

Your friend,


Hau shook his head pursing his lips. That would not do, it was far to the point. He should make it more... poetic!

Dear Lillie

Your lips are red as hibiscus flowers,

Your eyes are blue as oceans,

Your hair as golden as the heavenly sun,

Yet your personality shines brightest.

This is why I like you!

Your buddy,


He gagged at his sappy writing, shouting "why is it so hard!" Moon looked over at him getting a devious look in her eyes. She strutted over and plopped down on the bench next to him stealing his letter and reading it aloud. Hau kept trying to snatch it from her hands blushing furiously.

Moon finished reading it with a smirk on her face. She wrapped her arm around Hau in a friendly manner with the letter in hand, saying, "You are terrible at writing, less sappiness, more honesty .You should write from your heart, not something you saw on a hallmark card." Hau sighed still blushing, "You're right, I just don't know how to express myself, I have never done this before..."

Moon took out her phone and said nonchalantly, "Tell me why you love her."

Hau's face seemed to light up as he said, "I don't know why it is so hard to express my feelings. Maybe I am just so concerned that what I say will be the difference to whether or not she rejects me. I am afraid she won't like me the way I love her.

Every time I see her her she is like a star that lights up the night sky. I admire her persistence and determination in any situation. Every hardship in her life she has overcome. All the bad things that happened to her were not her fault, yet she is happy dealing with those hardships if it means taking the burden off someone else. She's probably too busy to date anyway, since she is so busy caring for her mother. I can't believe she would even forgive her mom after all that, yet she forgave her. I admire that and think that is why I love her. She is so selfless never once asking for something in return for all the good she does.

What breaks my heart the most is that she never get's the love she deserves back. I want to be that person she can lean on when life gets difficult. I want to cheer her up everyday when she is sad so she may never cry.

Even if she does not love me back I always want to be there for her. I wasn't to be selfless like her."

Moon wiped her watery eyes. She shouted, "That was so sappy yet truly beautiful! I did not think love like that existed!" She threw out her pokeball and Nebby appeared. The huge bat like pokemon seemed to sparkle under the night sky as the last rays of sun descended below the horizon.

Moon whispered something to Nebby and the pokemon grabbed Moon's phone in her mouth. The huge pokemon let out a blood curtling screech as it opened up a swirling vortex. It moved its giant wings in a circle gaining momentum as it flew up into the portal. The swirling vortex vanished leaving me and moon behind.

Hau raised an eyebrow at Moon and asked, "What did you do"

Moon looked away and said, "Nothing..."

Hau gave her a stern look and said, "Tell me"

Moon slid her fingers across the bench looking at the intricately carved wood of the bench. Avoiding eye contact she whispered, "Letters are old fashioned anyway..."

Before Hau could respond the portal opened up as huge amounts of window billowed out along with Nebby and the shadow of a figure on it's back. The silhouette jumped off Nebby's back letting the moonlight illuminate her golden tresses that blew behind her as she ran over to Hau to hug him.

Wrapping her arms around him she whispered, "Aloha aku no, aloha mai no" (*I give my love to you, you give your love to me)

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