the beginning

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i was walking home from school like every day until .one day i hear a person screaming bloody murder. I run to the screaming and just stop dead.. I see a lady on the ground covered in blood. I see a rotteing corps eating her in sides her insides where littered around her body like noodles. I look back once more and run just run I don't stop until i get inside my house "MOM....DAD!!!" I yell no reply. I slowly put down my back pack and walk into the kitchen.My hand flys to my mouth covering it. no no they can't be dead this has to be a sick joke or a nightmare   I pinch my arm and a slight sting goes up my arm nope not a dream then it must be a joke right?right?  I walk to my room expediting my mom and dad to be in there but  I  push open the door nothing. a tear streaks down my cheek after what seems like a hour I stop crying. I grab my big back pack for camping and stuff . i throw in a few weeks worth of under  ware and pants and a couple shirts in the bottom not taking much room i throw  in about 7 waters and as much canned food as possible with a sleeping bag and a small knife lucky its camo pattern i guess.  I look at my parents bodys or whats left them and walk out the door leavening my home forever. I walk down the dirt path that is by my old  home and into the forest. I stop by a big oak tree around sunset and climb up the tree. i slowly drift into a sleeping state. I'm jolted awake by a scraping noise below me. I look down to the ground to see a walking corpse i have to come up with a name of some sort for these things... biters ? good as anything i guess.  then there is a boy near the base of the smaller tree next to the one  I'm in. a loud BANG sounds through the forest. the  biter collapses to the ground. The boy stands there looking at me until
"hello. "
He calls from below me.
I call back. looking down at him

"you should come down so we can talk."
he says he's looking  up at me
"what do you want to talk about?" I ask unsure of
" oh you know the wether. " he says with his voice dripping sarcasm   i know him from somewhere... but where? i will deal with that later. 

(hey its me your writer sorry if this is shit i try to make this good its my first story so go easy and again i did not write any of this by myself i have help form the lovely featherxclaw37 read her story
anyway i will see you in the next update bye byyyyeeee)

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