the story

15 1 0

After I climbed down the large tree and had my back pack we look for shelter. As night falls we find a grocery store and Deeside its better than being out in the open.After clearing the store we settle down for the night. We just kinda sit in silence but not the awkward kind the comfortable kind after a few minutes johnson breaks the silence.
"are you still awake?" he asks
" yea. " I reply 
" I could have saved them. " He says
"you could have saved?" I ask
"my family. there where 3 of the walking corpses and 3 of us. I was fighting one while my dad was fighting two protecting his self and my mom. I was with rose . I just toke down the one i was fighting but my dad wasn't getting any where ...... and he- he was killed by them. more of them came and I pulled rose  behind me running and she fell my mom was behind us and she told me to protect her and I said I would  she stayed behind for us and they ate her.  I kept running pulling rose behind me but they grabbed her and bite her. I still hear there screams of agony."

he said with tears running down his face. I felt sorrow for him having to watch his family die. i'm going to make these duckys pay for the pain they have cased.

(so hi again this chapter and the last one was more of a back story more  than anything sorry i just want to have character growth so i had to have them start from something. duckys was going to be something worse buuut my mom is watching me write this but anyway i will see you in the next update buh-byyyeeee)

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