Chapter 14

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I locked the door of the flower store, it is the end of another meaningful day since I lived here for the past 3 years.
"Do you need a lift?" Hakyeon bro asked.

"No thanks, I am going to the bookstore first."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow." He said cycling away.

"See you tomorrow Hakyeon Bro!" I shouted and he waved, I then made my way to the bookstore just 2 stores away from the flower store, it has the book that I always wanted to read.

Finally, it is in store today, I have been waiting for a very long time.I walked into the store and went to get the book that I always wanted on the top of the shelf. Why are all the books always at the top of the shelf? Can't they be placed below?

Luckily I'm tall or else I am not getting the book if I was shorter, I tiptoed to get the book, it was a success. When I was getting down, a kid ran past me and it knocked me over although I am like much heavier than the kid, I fell on my butt and I saw the kid running away.

I wonder whose kid is that? I swear that I will scold his or her parents if I happen to meet them. "Do you need help with getting up?" I heard a voice behind me, his voice is so familiar yet I don't know where I heard it from.

"It's okay, I bet you can't with that body of yours." I got up and dusted my skirt and hands.

"Your book..." The man gave me my book that dropped on the floor.

"Thanks..." He smiled at me. 

Where have I seen him before? He looks really really familiar, I was going to ask him if we met before but he is already gone. Maybe I have mistaken him for someone else, I have a habit of mistaking people sometimes, there must be people that looked like him.

I exit the bookstore after paying for the book, I went back home after dropping by the convenience store for some snacks, my life can never have enough snacks. I opened the door and went inside.

Halmeoni must have cooking dinner as I smelt food. "HeeYeon-ah, you are home already?" I heard Halmeoni's voice from the kitchen.

"Yes!" I shouted back and I brought my snacks to my bedroom. I better munch on some snacks before dinner is ready. 

I switched on my laptop and watched some dramas, I heard someone entering the house during the time but I didn't care. Maybe it is the neighbors or Halmeoni's guest, as long as they don't come in here, it's okay, nobody wants to see my room, it is the worst ever.


I was summoned out of my room as dinner is ready but there is still a 15 minutes before my drama finishes, I wanted to get back to my room as long as I want but who would want to oppose Halmeoni's orders.

"Don't just stand there expecting that the food would come to you, go take your own rice and bring out the stew." Halmeoni called me.

"Yes, halmeoni!" I sighed and went to get my own rice. When I was coming back, I saw someone sitting on the ground. Is he Halmeoni's guest? 

I placed my bowl of rice down and went to bring the pot of stew as requested by Halmeoni, I placed the pot and opened the lid, it smelt so nice. I sat down and picked up my chopsticks ready to dig in when Halmeoni stopped me. "Why, Halmeoni?"

"Can't you see that there is someone else seated with us?" I turned towards the guest and greeted him but isn't he...

"Nice to meet you, I am the new tenant. My name is Lee JaeHwan." He cheerfully said.

"Aren't you..." I pointed at him with my index finger.

"You guys met each other already? That's good." Halmeoni said.

"We bumped each other in the bookstore just earlier." I said.

"Actually we met before, remember the umbrella?" He said as if trying to make me remember something. Umbrella? What umbrella?

"You finally noticed me huh? I was noticing that you didn't have an umbrella without you. Did you forget to bring an umbrella?"

"Yeah, the weather is so unpredictable huh? Don't you think so?"

"Yeah, just like my illness. It comes without warning." I said unconsciously.

The man just laughed awkwardly. I guess that he heard everything I said. "Would you like to sit in the shelter instead? It is tiring to hold the umbrella for you like this." He said and I chuckled.

"Now that I noticed, sorry for making you shelter me from the rain."

I remember him now, he is the one who comforted before I got left at the altar 3 years ago. I have never thought that we would meet each other again and in this situation.

"Remember me now? How are you doing these days?"

"Well, still fine."

"Of course she is fine, look at her weight, she is eating so well." Halmeoni commented and I turned red.

"So where did that jerk go to?"My expression immediately sunken, I stopped eating and placed it on the table, I looked at him.

"Just continue eating, a tenant shouldn't be so nosy about the owner's privacy." Halmeoni said shooting a glare towards him.

"Well, of course. Sorry for asking." He said awkwardly.

"Halmeoni, drink some stew. Don't leave it all for me the whole time." I said scooping some soup into a bowl and gave it to Halmeoni.

"Who wouldn't dare to drink it all when you loved drinking stews and soups so much?" Halmeoni said.

"Would you like to have some soup too?" She asked the guy.

"Yes, please." He said giving me his bowl.


After I showered, I placed a towel on my head while walking to the kitchen taking a few cans of beer along with me. I walked to the living room and switched on the television, I also took some snacks from my room to snack on, I opened the can of beer and started drinking.

"Mind if I have a drink with you, as a way to make friends?" Someone said suddenly making me look everywhere for that voice. "I'm beside you." The voice said, it was the tenant. Since when has he been sitting here....

Then I remembered, I just showered. My bare face is exposed, knowing that I immediately covered my face with the towel. "When are you giving me the can of beer?" He said, I immediately threw the can towards him.

"Ouch...." He yelled, he seemed to be in pain.

I looked at him, It hit his eye, that must have hurt a lot. "Sorry! Are you okay?" I asked with concern.

He messaged his eye. "It's okay since you can't see. By the way, you don't need to cover up, it looks the same."

"Really? Doesn't it look different?"

"As long as you think that you are beautiful, you are." I haven't heard such compliments for a very long time. Even though it is not someone that I liked, it still made my heart skip a beat.

"You sure know how to compliment others. Would you like to have some snacks? I have plenty." He nodded and I gave him some chips.

"I'm not good at complimenting others, you are the first."

A Second Chance / lee jaehwan (#13)Where stories live. Discover now