Chapter 4

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I stared blankly while the staff is helping me wear the wedding dress that I have chosen for my photo shoot and as well as for the actual wedding, today is the photo shoot and later we would visit the department store to see if there is anything to be added to our new house.

It is all SeJoon Oppa's plans, I simply just nodded my head to everything he had said, I tried to tell him that I am not in the mood to do anything but I couldn't. He was smiling at everything the whole time, I couldn't even reject him. I was afraid that I might break his fragile heart.

I felt a tap on my bare shoulder and I turned around. "Miss, are you sure that you are really okay?" She said with concern.

"Yes, I am. Why?" She shook her head.

"You were not responding when I am asking you a question."

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something else. What is it that you are asking?"

"Do you mind if I add a bunch of white roses to your hair accessory?" I looked at the hairpin on my hair with the long mirror just right in front of me, it is indeed lacking something.

"Yes please." I said and she attached the flowers to my hairpin, It looked perfect.

I stepped out of the dressing room while holding on to the ends of the wedding dress as it is incredibly long. Who the hell made traditional wedding dresses so freaking long? It would be good to choose the short wedding dress but it would look as of you are the bridesmaid and not the bride.

"Please make your way to the photo shoot, your fiance is in there now." The staff told me and I made my way there very slowly, I hope that he didn't wait for me long.

I arrived at the set and Sejoon Oppa was indeed standing at one corner staring at his phone smiling at it, he must have happy that someone congratulated him about him getting married.

Ever since we announced that we were getting married and were sending out wedding invitations, many people that we have known congratulated the both of us, most of them were from college and high school.

Of course, more people were from Sejoon's side, not mine. He is very popular in school while I am like the average school girl with a few friends,
he noticed me walking near me and put his phone in his pocket.

He held my hands. "Wow. More beautiful than I thought. You really are a beauty, I didn't choose the wrong person to be my wife."

"Stop with all that flattering. Who was it on the phone?"

"Just another colleague at work congratulating me. This has been the 50th time someone from the company had congratulated me."

"You must be very popular. Till now, I only had my closest friends and family that congratulated me over the past few months."

"It doesn't matter how many guests would appear on our wedding, the most important thing is to have fun on that day." Yes... I don't know if I would be in good condition by then.

We took our wedding photos and it went well. We reviewed our photos, it looked good. Hyunwoo Oppa was smiling as usual and there was me faking a smile, everyone would notice those sick eyes of mine, those lifeless eyes but it looked so dead.

"What's with your eyes? Didn't sleep well last night?" He said kissing my temple.

I nodded. "All because of that wedding." I lied. I was thinking of how to tell him that I had last stage cancer and predicting the reactions that he would have. I couldn't sleep at all as I was afraid that he might find out and leave me. I don't want that to happen.

"Why don't I go to the department store on my own? You can stay in our new house and have a rest. Maybe you can help unpack those boxes that just arrived. I will come back and help you when I'm done." He said in the car.

I nodded. "Might as well. Buy me food when you come back."

"Of course. Why would I starve my princess? I will buy lots of it."He ruffled my hair and he drove me back to our new house.

I stood by the door and waved at him before getting into the house, I watched him leave by peeking through the windows, I leaned against the wall assured that he had left. I didn't tell him today and there is still a just a more few weeks before we get married and he doesn't know that I had cancer. What should I do? Pretend that I'm fine for now?

*Knock Knock*

I looked at the door. Did he come back already? I got up from my sitting position and went to open the door. It was him, the one at the coffee shop, the one that sheltered me from the rain.

He was holding a box of tangerines in his hands. "Ahjumma, I brought you some tangerines from Jejudo--why are you doing here?"

"I live here. Why are you here?" He asked, looking for anyone in the house. Did he...

An ahjumma next door opened the door. "Aigoo... Jaehwannie, I'm here. You messed up the addresses again." She shouted to the guy. So his name is JaeHwan...

"Sorry..." He said and went to next door where he gave the Tangerines to the Ahjumma.

I was going to close the door when the ahjumma came out of the house again looking towards my direction. "Miss, do you want to share the tangerines with me? I have plenty of it."

I put up both my hands. "No, it is okay. I'm leaving in a while."

"Even so, take some with you. This rascal brought too much for a 50-year-old woman." She said and he appeared behind her.

A text message arrived at the same time and I take a look at it.

Prince Tak

Jam in the expressway. May take a while to come back.

I texted back.

It's okay, it is not like there are no traffic jams every day. Take your time.

"Miss, so what do you say?" She asked me, still standing at her doorstep.

"Well, a little chat with you wouldn't hurt. Plus, it would be a great time to know my neighbors." I said bringing my phone and wore slippers going into her house.

A Second Chance / lee jaehwan (#13)Where stories live. Discover now