Chapter 27

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Times flies quickly and it is already the third week since returning back to Seoul for good, I had promised that I would visit HakYeon bro and my grandma during the holidays and Seoul will be the place where I will start my business.

And I totally don't know what I am going to do with my life for the next few weeks since I am still not decided with my life, I don't know what I want to do. I studied business for the sake of it, every member of the Ahn Family have been forced to study something related to economies except for my younger sister who is the youngest in the family.

There isn't any chance for her to ever inherit the throne as she had two older siblings in front of her and it would be either me or my older brother who will take over the company and I clearly don't want to. My older brother has been the one who is always competing with me for everything, just to get over to the good side of my parents and earn points.

Me, on the other hand, was never interested in inheriting the business, there wasn't any point in doing so. I did not like taking control over things that I would not like, I was not someone who could lead hundreds of people in my lead and lead them to the right path.

"HeeYeon, just listen to me out on this. It is beneficial for both of us." He sipped his cup of coffee while keeping a straight face, I know that he is starting to get annoyed at me but that is my goal. I am not going to allow him to force me to do stuff that I don't like doing.

He called me into his office a few hours ago to tell me something important, something that I would be happy to hear about. But it turns out that he is just trying to recruit me into his team and make me work under him so that I would behave myself in the eyes of the public.

"Oppa, you know that I don't want to. You know that perfectly and yet you are doing that again, don't you know how ironic that is?"

He sighed. "Ahn HeeYeon, you really are stubborn. Appa wants you to do this, to take over the management part of the company. You wouldn't need to go out to the world to do the talking, I would. You will have your own peace and nothing much will change from your life."

"Oppa, I want to do something that I would love to do, not some administering work that I clearly hate," I confessed. "I just studied economies because I was forced to. I wished that I was SooJin, she can do whatever she wants without any worry."

"You are not Soojin, you are Ahn HeeYeon, someone who has to take care of the business. And Appa allowed us to take over the business together, isn't that very fair already?" He clasps his hands together. "And do you even know what the hell are you doing to do for a living? Don't tell me that you are going to be opening a bookstore that no one goes to."

I have this little dream ever since I was a little girl and I have a little obsession with something, it was my extreme love for books. I loved reading books ever since I was young and I would beg my mother to bring me books from my father's study, she told me that my father has a hobby of collecting books and he keeps all of them in his study where he spends all of his time in there.

She would bring me some books occasionally, telling me never to tell anyone how I got these books in my room. I never knew why she would always say that to me but I stopped asking her to bring me books once I turned 14, I finally knew the truth.

She risked her life just to sneak into his study to bring me books that I want to read, she did something that she wouldn't dare to do, yet for my sake, she did whatever that could land her in deep trouble if my father were to know. And he never knew about it, thanks to me keeping them in somewhere so secretive, someplace that no one would know about. And I wished to open a bookstore so that I could finally display all the books that I spent all my life hiding it from everyone.

And there's one person who is interfering with that little dream of mine, my older brother that I hated all my life. I slammed my hand on the table, making him lose his cool for the first time in forever, it has been since I have seen that look on his face. "Listen here, what is wrong with that mindset? It is so much better than having to see your face all the time, Ahn Taehwan."

He stood up from the couch in anger. "What is with this attitude with yours!?" He pointed a finger at me angrily. "You are just a spoiled bitch who is so stubborn to follow the rules, you called off the wedding when there is a guy who is willing to take care of you and you ran off to Japan without telling anyone about it and now you are back here telling me that you don't want to listen to me. You are younger than me, you should be listening to me!"

I heard the door burst open and an angry man appears. "Stop it! What is happening here!" That man made my older brother look as pale as a ghost and he is now trembling so much.

"A-appa..." He calls for my father. "I swear that it is not what you have just heard. It is just--"

He cut my older brother off. "Ahn Taehwan, I told you to make things up with your younger sister and work with her in the company and this is what you are doing in return? What the hell are you even thinking? Insulting your sister about her mistakes?"

I gulped my saliva as he turned to face me. "HeeYeon, I want you in my office right now." Right, now he is going to scold me as well... About all the mistakes that I have made.

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