Chapter 18 Fiolee

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GLOB IS WRONG WITH BUBBLEGUM YOU COULD HAVE KILLED MARCELINE AND MY SISTER."i was pissed off to the point i could stand correctly. PB walked closer to me...and closer... and closer... and closer to the point we were nose to nose. next thing i know she kissed me."Finn I'm sorry you can leave now i just wanted to feel as special to you as just like how Marceline...and love you...but you can go." she smiled weakly and walked away and sat the lake. That kiss was something Marceline could never give me it was true but that kiss was not like the kisses Marceline gives me were the were true and loving...but PB's kiss was different.Now i have a new desion. should i leave Marce for PB.or should i stay with Marce. what should do.

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