stepping out of the shadows (2)

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"hello." He said.

I leaned and motioned him to do the same. He too leaned in.

"Fuck off." I said

I got up and left the cafeteria. I could hear him smirk.

He pisses me off so much! Why doesn't he go bug someone who'd actually appreciate it, like the rest of the entire female body. I rolled my eyes. I don't understand why girls will become all jelly for any good looking guy. They don't even know the person. In the end they get their hearts broken and learn their lesson in the hard way...scratch that, some girls just keep going on.

The rest of the classes were unbearable. It took all my will power not to scratch jerk face's face. As soon as the last bell rang. I got up dropping my pen on the ground. As I bent down to pick up my pencil, he did the same. Our hands touched and our eyes locked. I couldn't move. It was like time had stopped forever. I could just keep staring into those beau-

"Ahem" said someone behind me.

I snapped out of it and blushed. I didn't have the guts to look at jerk face. When I turned around Julie was standing there with a slightly pissed expression on her face.

"Hey Julie." I said meekly still blushing.

She ignored me completely and looked past me at jerk face. Ok, that hurts. She stepped forward and put on a dazzling smile. The jerk face was completely checking my sister out, his eyes travelled her body and a slow smile appeared on his lips. Oh gosh, I'm going to barf. I have to stand here watching both of them eye fucking each other! Do you know what I'm going through right now!! I'm going to suffer from serious trauma later.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend eve?" Julie asked.

I froze.

"He is not my friend; he's just an annoying mosquito name Adrian." I said.

Julie was not at all deterred. Instead she continued to smile flirtatiously at him. I don't why but I felt like my stomach was in a knot.

"Hi Adrian, I'm Juliana." She said and stretched out her hand.

Jerk face took it.

"Hi. You're hot." He said and winked.

This made Julie blush like I've never seen her like this. She's usually the one to make the guys blush, weird as it sounds. I can't stand this anymore. I feel puky and suffocated.

"Uh...I'll go ahead. I'll be waiting in the car." I said.

"Uh...yeah." said Julie dazed, still staring at jerk face.

I rolled my eyes. Then I felt something grab my hand.

"You forgot your pen." Adrian said waving the pen at me.

I looked at Julie; she was staring at Adrian's hand holding mine. There was also a hurt expression in her eyes. I quickly grabbed my hand back.

"Keep it." I gruffly said and walked out of the class room.

Let Julie have him, you don't like him, you think he's a jerk, I said to myself countless times as I walked out of the school and into the student's parking lot. I spotted my sister's blue porche. I went to it and tried opening the door. Stupid me, I forgot to ask her for the keys. I sighed heavily and leaned against the car, waiting for her.

They're probably making out now. They're probably going to come home, have sex and break up after a few days. I rolled my eyes at the thought of my sister's usual routine.

"Hey Eve." Said a voice, I turned and saw Kevin.

He had his hands inside his pocket. Ok, weird. He never talks to me.

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