stepping out of the shadows 3

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"Uh, you want to come in and check out the library?" I asked.

He grinned.

"I thought you'd never ask."

"Yeah, me too." I muttered to myself.

I can't believe I just invited him in. SCL is the short form of State Central Library, its one of the biggest library in California. I'm actually proud of my work......what? Being a librarian is a very dignified job, well, according to me.

We both went in and as soon as he did he let out a long, low whistle.

"Wow, it's big." He said looking around.

I smiled.


I went to my desk and left my books there. Then, I went to some boxes and started taking out books from it.

"More books?" Kevin asked looking at the box.

"They're the latest books; boxes like these come every month, or week." I said proudly.

He came over and picked up a book from the box.

"Do you like reading?" he asked.

I grinned and nodded vigorously. This only made him laugh.

"You truly are a dork." He said and chuckled.

I smiled and continued putting the books in the shelves. There was one particular shelf I couldn't reach, I even tip-toed but failed miserably. Suddenly a hand took the book from my hand and easily put it in the shelf. I became stiff because he was too near to me, I could feel his hard chest on my back.

"Shorty." Said Kevin.

The idiot didn't move away but just continued standing there. I slowly turned around and was startled at how close he was. He was looking at me with such intensity, I had to look away.

"Uh...I better keep the other books away" I said nervously.

He put his hands up against the shelves blocking my way. I looked at him surprised.

"Leave the books for now." he said softly.

"Move Kevin." I ordered.

He grinned.


I sighed. I went under his arm but his hands went around my waist and pulled me back. I struggled from his grip, but I couldn't get away from his huge arms.

"You jerk!" I shouted.

At once I could hear lots of 'shhh' noise from the readers; thank god we're not where they can see us! That would be embarrassing.

"One kiss and I'll let you go." He whispered


"In your dreams! let me go!" I whisper-yelled.

"Come on, one kiss isn't a big deal."

"It is, to me."

"You know you want to."

There I was thinking he might actually be a good guy.

"Let me make something very clear for now." I whispered sternly.

He looked at me very amused.

"I am NOT like any of those girls you normally date. I am someone who looks beyond the bed area. I like something that's real. I'd like to stick to only one guy for the rest of my life. Unless you're planning to marry me and have children and start finding a job, then go ahead. Kiss me."

stepping out of the shadows (ON HOLD TEMP.)Where stories live. Discover now