
15 3 0

Suddenly, pain became my beat;
Dirge after dirge, as emotions flutters in the air,
Like scattered leaves in the wild harmattan wind.
Tunes of sorrow mingle within me and despair disconnects me from all placental connections.
The children's eyes, dropping tears of anguish for the painful loss, of hope and the future.
Receive, Oh Heavens!!!
Receive, early risers who bask at dawn,
the maiden bearers of our pains.
Me to the coal-fire-side, nursing the loss,
looking out for hope in Ascent,
Seeking for a warmth,
For the children drenched in cold sweat.

PS: Please its just words that ring in my head as I ponder life.
I'm not a professional writer. I write to help ease people's pain and sorrow.<3
I'll keep updating.
Thanks and Happy New Year.

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