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I can read from your tear filled eyes,
Songs of love,
Songs of death,
I can see in them,
Pains of your heart,
Painted in vivid colours,
Plotted in a binomial graph ,
With its equations, curves and slopes.
I see them all in your tear filled eyes.
I can smell bitterness oozing from your breath, pains of stifled dreams and aborted plans.
That you were born into the wrong home?
I can touch, the malignant tumour growing in your soul.
I can cringe to know how and how long,
To fight these frustrations,
These disappointments,
These sickness,
These denials.
Brother, I see it all in your smoldering eyes,
and in the odd rhythm of thy heart.

CP: Just had to drop this despite this festivity stuff which I unapologetically dropped myself out of cause am just here for the free food.
Happy New Year all the same..

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