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Even now that the typhoon of your tongue is blowing away the roof of my refuge,
Leaving me with showers of your kindness;
Even now that the beautiful trees are inhibited by angry bees,
Benevolence leaking from their abdomen;
I know I must be blind to your pimples, in order to see your dimples.
I haven't felt this hot, standing under the roof of your mercy;
I haven't felt this cold, squatting by the fire of your larynx;
I haven't felt this happy, perching on the precipice of your bile;
Nor have I felt this refreshed, drinking the molten magma spewing from your majestic crator;
But I must still ignore your pimples, since I love your dimples.
This gulf between us, the roof is now leaking;
This gulf between us, the bank is now breaking;
My rhythm is now going up to the sky, yours drowning deep in the sea;
Stars are now falling, lightening flashing;
Thunder is now sounding, dogs barking;
Cats are now meowing, owls hooting;
Crickets are now chirping, cows moaning;
But I will hold on to the straw, my last straw;
Even now that your dimples, look like inverted pimples.

Hey Readers, sorry I posted this a bit late.
I've been so busy with my school work, my project and seminar work. I'm in my final year so I've got to tidy up some things.
Keep reading and I do hope for your comments.<3.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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