University of Havana

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University of Havana
After everyone was finally organized, everyone jumped on to a bus and was driven to the University of Havana where the troupe would be spending their summer and next semester. Everyone was chatting on the bus and getting to know each other. The atmosphere was full of happiness, joy and excitement.

Finally someone from host group called for everyone's attention when they started to approach the school. Everyone in the American Troupe became quiet and started staring at the impressive site. The campus was a grand site with its impressive, solid buildings. Everyone was whispering to each other and pointing out interesting sights.

The bus slowed and came to a stop in front of the dormitory that the troupe would be staying at. Each member was assigned a room and given their keys. Everyone was told to quickly check out their rooms, drop off their luggage and return so that they could be given a tour of the campus and go check out the dance studios.

Katie went quickly to her room. The room was clean and simple; it will be nice for the summer and coming semester. Katie was excited, it was addictive. She knew that she would be happy and would make the most of her second chance to return to Cuba. Katie went to wash her face and freshened up and then headed back to the meeting point.

The tour was helpful, the university campus was large and now everyone had at least a basic sense of direction. The final stop was the dance studios. Everyone was waiting for the moment. The dance studios were made up of one main central room and then off the main room there were smaller rooms. Katie's first impression was that the main room reminded her of La Rosa Negra. Many a days she and Javier had spent there together practicing for the Dance Contest at The Palace. Javier would like this place. Then suddenly Katie was brought back with a nudge from Jackie one of her fellow troupe members. Jackie whispered to Katie that she thought it was strange that there were no mirrors in the room. Only one of the smaller rooms had mirrors which were traditional to the dance studios they were familiar with back home. Katie turned to Jackie and told her that Cuban dance is more about feeling the music than watching movements or replicating movements in a mirror.

After everyone had a chance to roam and explore the dance studios. Jose, one of their host, gathered everyone and said, "Who is ready to party?" Everyone whistled and howled. "Let's start your visit with a bang. Why don't you all go to your rooms, rest and freshen up and then get ready to party all night!" People were excited, the howling and whistling continued. "Tonight you will see some of Havana's best Cuban dancing." Katie was excited, but for a second her breath caught and she held her breath. "Let's meet at LA ROSA NEGRA."

Katie returned to the dorms with everyone else. She didn't know what to feel or what to think. She didn't have time to clearly think. Everyone around her kept asking her questions about Havana and the place they were going. Finally, when Katie was able to escape into her room, she was so tired and confused all she did was unpack and fall on the bed. Next thing she heard was a knock on the door. "Katie! Get up. We're leaving in half an hour."

Havana nights : together againOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora