Feats Confirmed

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That night no one slept soundly. As much as everyone wanted to hope that it was just a rumor, there was a shadow of fear that haunted their sleep and thoughts. In their own ways, everyone looked for the little comfort and unspoken reassurance they could find.

The next morning finally came. Everyone seemed to get up early.

At home, Mrs. Suarez woke up early and cooked the children their favorite breakfast. Rafael and Chabe assumed this was her way of making up for yelling at them yesterday and they ate happily. Carlos had stayed in last night and for the first time in while ate breakfast with the family. Rafael seemed surprised to see his father but welcomed the change, as Carlos seemed to take an interest in him asking about his homework and grades. Rafael like all children hated homework but for the first time he didn't sulk, but instead eagerly showed Carlos his homework and showed off his test scores. Rafael wanted his father's love and attention and this morning he got it. The children finished up and helped Mrs. Suarez clear the dishes. Once the children were ready, they left to school while Mrs. Suarez watched them until they disappeared from her sight.

At the university, Javier and Katie had gotten ready early. By now, Javier and Katie's morning routines were in sync, but somehow there was something in the air this morning. Their routine seemed to be especially efficient, so that they were ready faster than normal and had time to review their plans from the previous night. Javier was going to meet his friends and neighbors and see if anyone has heard more information about the rumors. Katie was going to call and meet with her newspaper contacts to see if they had any inside information or get some numbers to some informants that might be able to shed some light. The two of them were of one heart and mind, working to a common goal. They left the dorm that day with plans to work in parallel to using all the approaches available to them. Before they parted ways, Katie placed her hand on his chest over his heart, while he covered her hand with his. They exchanged a smile and a final look and nodded in unison.

Carlos and Mrs. Suarez left the house together and parted ways with a kiss and hug.

The morning seemed crisp and silent as everyone's mind was everywhere else thinking of ways to get to the bottom of the rumors.

The day was a frenzy of activity. Each one of them went through the day determined to find out information. It seemed all the locals were buzzing with the rumors of the government's plans.

Mrs. Suarez went to work and talked to her coworkers. It seemed that not everyone knew about the rumors, that the rumors were more around the community areas. At church, worshippers pray together and talk to church leaders to see if there is any religious action is possible.

Carlos confirms from insider sources. Underground resistant groups report that someone from the inside of the government saw a draft of the plans. The plan was currently being finalized and they have already started to plot out the effort and strategize about how to gather and where to place the children. The plan was to go into effect in the beginning of the year. The resistance group was starting to think and discuss options to escape and hide their children from the government. Also there were discussions of rebelling or fighting back.

Javier talked to his fellow co-workers and confirmed that dormitory and school supplies have been transported to empty buildings that are being outfitted like schools. At school, there were rumors that the government is looking to hire teachers, but that there it involved a strict training and examination process for the positions. Rumor also said that the government was also going to be doing background check on anyone participating to make sure that the candidates fit the profile that they were hiring for.

Katie found out from her newspaper informant that the US was aware of all US Citizens in Cuba and planned to make sure no matter what happened its citizens and their families were going to be kept safe. The US was monitoring Cuba with a close eye and had an evacuation procedure in place if necessary. Informants also confirmed that they heard the same rumor and that the plans are supposed to go into place at the end of the winter. US government is also evaluating the situation and discussing the democratic and human rights implications. The US government was considering actions to help the people of Cuba.

That night at dinner the family discussed all the information that they had found. Although no one resource could confirm 100 the details of the plan, all the information that was gathered seemed to add up to one consistent story that plans were in the works and that the end of the year was targeted date of action.

Dinner was a sober affair. The future was the next question. What was going to happen and what should they do?

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