La Rosa Negra

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Katie got up. Washed her face and started to get dressed. Katie found a dress that even Yolanda would not think was "square." It was a tight fitting halter dress that seemed to flatter all her best features and hide all the ones she thought were less attractive. Suddenly when she was almost ready, there came the first of a constant stream of knocks on the door. With each knock, came another girl wanting advice with what they should wear. Katie felt like she was seeing a fashion show, girls came in and out in different outfits, turning and spinning in front of her. Each visitor complimented Katie, saying how great and sexy she looked. Each time Katie blushed. "Why had she made such an effort to dress like this? Was she still holding on to a sliver of hope...?" Katie asked herself, a second before the next knock came from the door. Finally the knocks calmed down and Katie finished getting ready. Katie looked at herself one last time in the mirror, before she headed out.

When they finally made it to La Rosa Negra, Katie hesitated for a split second at the entrance and took a large breath. For a second, turning around and heading back to the dormitory sounded like a good idea. Katie was not sure if she was ready for this. She didn't think she would be coming here so soon. Before Katie could even finish her thoughts, Jackie grabbed her under the arm and led her into the club, whispering into Katie's ear how excited she was. The troupe was greeted by their Cuban hosts.

"We're so glad you made it. I hope it wasn't too hard to find."

"No worries, Jose. Katie has been here before and she showed us the way," Jackie beamed.

Jose looked surprised and pleased. When Jose turned to Katie, she nodded and smiled back.

Jose continued, "Oh yeah. There was one member of the Dance Club that was not able to go to the airport and welcome you guys today. He is one of our best dancers. I would like to introduce you to me..."

Katie zoned out when she heard in the background the first song that Javier and her danced to starting to play. She remembered the first time she came to La Rosa Negra with James Phelps. Javier had asked her to dance, and still she remembered James' reaction when she actually accepted. That was the night that Javier had walked her home and comforted her, because James couldn't keep his hands off.

"Let me introduce you all to Javier Suarez."

Katie heard nothing but "Javier Suarez." Was she dreaming? Had she heard Jose wrongly?

Suddenly the world around Katie seemed to freeze. Javier appeared before her. Katie stood motionless. Without a word, Javier smiled and extended out his hand. Katie instinctively took it. Javier led Katie out onto the dance floor. Their eyes were locked on each other and never parted. Everyone watched them in surprise. Then they started to dance.

It was amazing. The floor cleared for the two of them. The King and Queen of La Rosa Negra had returned. Everyone gave them room and watched as they danced. The world seemed to be just the two of them. Everyone could sense how much they wanted to be in each others arms. It felt so natural for them to be back together dancing, as if they were never parted. Javier and Katie danced as one and the air sparked with passion and electricity. It was magical.

Javier and Katie were lost in each other. Neither said a word. They just felt the music and moved with the music. They let their movement and dance express the feelings and emotion they felt to be together again. Javier lead Katie and Katie fully let herself be led. Javier had waited so long for this moment. He would die a happy man if time froze with Katie in his arms. Both Javier and Katie were hungry for each other. They were all over each other. Their dancing showed how much they missed each other. Suddenly both of them felt complete. The part of them that was missing finally felt complete again. Katie missed being held by Javier, it felt so right.

After dancing for what seemed a lifetime, Katie and Javier were hot and sweaty. They decided it was time to take a breather and get something to drink. When they got back to the group, everyone was smiling at them. "You guys are great. That was awesome." "Katie, I have never seen you dance like that before." They both smiled and chatted with everyone, never letting go of the other person's hand. People asked questions about them and how they knew each other. Anyone could tell that was not the first time they danced together and definitely they relationship was not simply friends. They stayed so close to each other the whole time. Neither of them could bear the lost of contact from the other.

The night was getting late. Javier and Katie looked at each other, they both wanted time alone. They had so much to say and catch up on. They excused themselves, saying good night to everyone. They told everyone that they were going to call it an early night, since Katie was tired from the trip. Everyone smiled at each other; they winked at each other knowing it was just an excuse. Even the blind could sense the sparks flying between the two of them.


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