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November 18, 2016

Mark's POV

Come on, come on, come onnnn...

I impatiently stared at the clock above, unnoticingly tapping my foot. It was a Friday, and not just any Friday: the Friday before Thanksgiving break. I had Mr. Thompson for the last hour, and I saw him notice me staring at the clock.

He quickly wrapped up the lesson, smiled, and acknowledged it. "Alright, students, I know some of you are planning to Black Friday out of this classroom as soon as the bell rings... but-!" He raised his finger. "You must read pages 126 to 185 over break." Everyone groaned and slouched back in their seats. He ignored them and continued. "It is crucial that you don't forget a drop of information because of a vacation."

*Ding! Ding! Ding!*

"Goodbye and Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!" He added before everyone left. They walked more upset than excited out the door. "Except you, Fischbach." I sprung up. "Come here."

I slowly walked towards him, glancing back at the doors. I looked up to meet his eyes, terrified.

A smug smile showed on his face. "You don't have to read any of the pages, Mark." I stood there, confused. He only smiled and patted me on the back. "Happy Thanksgiving!" He began grabbing his items.

I raised my hand and opened my mouth to speak but instead shut it quickly. I nodded to myself and left.

Somehow, I got free from study...? Who cares?! It's break!

Realization hit me with joy and I began to run to the spot I always met Jack after-school. I checked around for...them... And relaxed and leaned on the wall, waiting for my sweetheart.

I heard panting coming from the corner of the building I was leaning on, and I turned my head around. Jack was jogging towards me, just like our routine. He smiled as soon as he saw me and vice versa.

"I checked the area." He said, catching his breath. "It's all clear."

I stood up straight and hugged him. "Awesome, so we have the whole week to ourselves, now."

"I guess we do." He responded with glee in his voice.

We held hands as I led him to my car. I stepped ahead and opened the passenger side door for him. He nodded in gratitude and stepped inside. I closed the car door and got in the driver's seat.

I drove us both to my house, where, like always, we planned to play video games. I parked my car in my garage.

I stepped out of my car and Jack following behind. Walking up the porch, I fumbled around my keys and grabbed the house key. I unlocked the front door and held it open for Jack.

He chuckled, "I know you're trying to be nice, but ya know I can open my own doors, ya doof," he said as he stepped inside

"Just hush and let me be a gentleman." I joked.

"Ugh, fine," he said playfully defeated.


"Boom! Head shot!" I yelled as I finally shot the enemy. "Your turn, bean!"

I got no response. I turned to Jack and saw his phone in his right hand, his left hand cupped over his mouth, his eyes wide, and a tear slipping halfway down his cheek.

I felt my face drown of emotions when I saw his expression.

"J-Jack? What's wrong?" I softly asked with concern.

Broken Boy (Septiplier Trash :P) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora