How You Met

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Harry Potter:

You met at the King's Cross station you bumped into him and was so flustered he could barely understand your stuttering.

After you stopped fangirling you introduced yourself almost instantly you two became friends.

Draco Malfoy

It was the Hufflepuff team against the Slytherin team, you were a seeker and as a seeker it was your job to get the Golden Snitch, just when you thought your team would lose, you saw it. Exactly nine feet away, you went for it and apparently, the blond seeker on the Slytherin team saw it too because he also went for it.

Let's just say the game ended with both seekers having to go to Madame Pomfrey's office due to head injuries.

Hermione Granger

You and Hermione had been neighbors since forever (kind of like Snape and Lily) when you found out Hermione was going to go to Hogwarts, it only strengthened your friendship.

Ron Weasley

Your tabby kitten Muffin was missing, you went to the first compartment you saw, "Have either of you seen a grey kitten?" You asked the two boys, the red-haired boy volunteered to help you find her though, and after a few minutes you found her, afterwards you introduced yourself as, "(Y/n) (L/n)" and found out his name was Ron Weasley.

Ginny Weasley

You met Ginny when you were coming out of Ollivander's you were so excited you didn't pay attention to where you were going and bumped into her, after many apologies later, you found out her name was Ginny you told her yours was (Y/n).

Fred Weasley

You were walking down the hall, completely confused to where anything was, when you saw to red- haired boys coming out of a closet suspiciously, one of them saw you and  before you could turn around he winked at you. You blushed lightly, but went to find your class anyway.

George Weasley

You had transfered from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts, and didn't know where anything was, so you asked the first person you saw to help you find your way to herbology.

Neville Longbottom

You and Neville had known each other since you were really little, your mum was a friend of his grandmother, you were inseparable.

Luna Lovegood

You'd gotten a letter from your dad that your mum had fallen ill, so while you sat in the Ravenclaw common room completely worried, Luna found you and comforted you telling you it'd be all right. You introduced yourself and she introduced herself.

I hope you liked them I don't know I added female ones too because almost every preference had only male.

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