Chapter 11

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The game was over and Jungkook had won. Jimin sighed not all that surprised by the results, but he still glared at the board as if it had betrayed him. Jungkook was on cloud nine apparently, having this goofy grin on his face, his eyes alight with twinkling lights and unconcealed glee. Anyone looking at him would automatically have assumed he'd won the lottery or something just as grand.

"Well, I guess you get to take me out on dates now," Jimin said starting to pick up the game pieces.

"...I know we agreed to that, but if you really don't want to date me you don't have to." Jungkook said his happy demeanor disappearing all of a sudden. Jimin raised an eyebrow giving him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Jimin questioned.

"Well...I don't want to force you to date me. So even though I won, you don't have to. It's perfectly fine, I don't want to force you into anything. I'd rather try to win your heart than force anything on you." Jungkook admitted truthfully. Jimin thought about what he'd said and he could feel a warmth spread through his chest. Maybe Jimin didn't like Jungkook the way Jungkook liked him, but...he might learn to with time if Jungkook would constantly be this considerate. Jimin was really happy and touched by Jungkook's words and he smiled as he replied to him.

"No, a deal is a deal. And...I never said we're dating. I only agreed to go on dates until I had a proper answer for you. You're supposed to woo me on these dates until I fall for you." Jimin joked.

"You mean it? You will go on dates with me? I mean you want to? Like you're not doing this only because I won the game?" Jungkook questioned wanting to be certain.

"Yea. I'm not doing it just because of the game. I'm giving you a chance Jungkook, so use it wisely." Jimin playfully warned.

"Oh, my god! You're being serious?! YES! You won't regret this! I promise to shower you with affection so much that you'll feel like you're suffocating and then you'll definitely fall for me!" Jungkook exclaimed thrilled by Jimin's answers. Jimin smiled softly watching Jungkook practically bounce around the room in barely contained excitement.

"Can I hug you?" Jungkook asked all of a sudden coming to halt from his previous bouncing around and giving Jimin a serious look. Jimin was surprised by the sudden shift in behavior but nodded. Jungkook immediately engulfed him into a tight hug much like the one they'd had a few days ago.

"I'm really happy Jimin, you don't even know how happy you've made me by agreeing to go on dates with me. I'm going to take you on so many dates and they are all going to be so awesome that you won't hesitate to be my boyfriend for much longer. When I ask you to be my boyfriend next time, you'll definitely say yes" Jungkook said squeezing Jimin a bit more before finally letting him go. Jimin blinked up at Jungkook before giving him an eye smile.

"Alright, I'm holding you to that," Jimin said. After that, they cleaned up the board and Jungkook decided to leave the box on the table, saying he would put it up later.

"By the way...what were you going to request in four months if you won?" Jungkook asked looking at Jimin curiously.

"Hmm, you'll find out in four months I guess," Jimin answered.

"Come on, why can't you ask me about it now?" Jungkook continued to pester Jimin for an answer.

"Because it's not relevant now. I'll ask you when the time comes, so be patient." Jimin chastised and Jungkook pouted.

"Anyway, I'm sleepy now, see you tomorrow," Jimin said with a yawn and then left the room after saying goodnight.

"Night darling, see you in the morning," Jungkook called after him as Jimin shut the door and went to his room.

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