Chapter 35

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"What do you want for lunch Jimin?" Jimin's mom asks him as they both sit on the sofa watching the credits of a cartoon show fill the screen.

"Hmm...can we have pizza?" Jimin asks innocently turning in his mom's lap to look at her with pleading eyes. She chuckles as she pinches Jimin's cheek fondly and coos "Okay baby, but it's going to take a while. Why don't you draw while I make us pizza alright?"

Jimin nods and his mom kisses his forehead and cheeks adoringly before saying, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too mommy!" Jimin says with a giggle as he kisses his mom's cheeks as well. They laugh and Jimin's mom hugs him tightly before letting go and grabbing some colored paper and crayons. She set them by the window and motioned for Jimin to sit by the window. Jimin scurried over to the table and sat down, grabbing a crayon and beginning to scribble on the paper.

"I'm going to draw our house!" Jimin exclaims happily.

"Alright baby, you do that. Mommy's going to start cooking if you need me come to the kitchen ok?" Jimin's mom asks and Jimin nods. She bends down and presses a small kiss to Jimin's cheek one more time before ruffling his hair.

"While I know we both miss Kookie and his mother, I'm kind of happy to have you all to myself again. I missed the time we'd spend with just the two of us." Jimin's mom says before heading to the kitchen. Jimin just nods in agreement before continuing with his drawing.

Little Jimin is drawing on colored paper when he hears a car pull up into their driveway. He looks out the window to see who'd come since his mother hasn't told him to expect anyone. Five men step out of the black car and Jimin saw a few of them holding guns. He squints at them as they talk amongst themselves in hushed tones. He finds the men to look out of place with their dark clothes, bats, and bandanas. One of the men look up and Jimin can see the man's eyes land on him through the window. Jimin gasps feeling frightened by the intense gaze the man eyes him with.

"M-mommy!" Jimin calls out rushing away from the window and running to his mother who is in the kitchen. He rushes to her and hugs her legs burying his face into her thigh. She looks down at him worried.

"What is it, honey?" She asks as she pulls Jimin away and crouches down to look him in the eyes.

"There are scary looking men in our driveway," Jimin tells her with a frown. She gives him a confused look before getting up and looking out the kitchen window. She spies the men walking towards the front door and gasps. She closes the curtains and quickly pulls Jimin towards the cupboard and tells him to hide in there.

"Listen to me Jimin, don't come out of here until I say too. Understand?" She whispers to him in a stern voice and Jimin nods looking confused. There's a loud knock coming from the door but his mom makes no move to go answer it.

"Do not make a single sound ok. Don't move, don't talk, nothing, you must stay as quiet as possible ok?" His mother demands and Jimin nods again more confused than ever. The banging on the door has grown louder and Jimin can hear voices shouting from outside.

"Good boy. Just stay here, I'll be right back." His mother says and then closes the cupboard door and scurries away. Jimin stays quiet curling in on himself and just listening. The loud banging on the door has stopped and there is a moment of silence before a loud bang is heard. To Jimin it sounded like someone had banged the door open.

"Mrs. Jeon! We know you're home, don't bother hiding!" Jimin hears a man's voice boom through the small house. Then it's quiet again and Jimin can't hear anything until he hears his mother scream.

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