Chapter One: That Special Night

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This story is set at the Season Six finale where Haleb have their kiss in the Lost Woods Resort. The only difference is that they slept together instead of just a kiss and No evil A to harass them! It's just romance and random storylines! Enjoy this chapter!

The sunlight streamed through the white blinds of the hotel room planting shadows all around them.

The couple lay side by side, their naked bodies pressed up close. The only thought their minds possessed was each other and what it felt like to be held in each others arms for what seemed like forever. They had never felt more alive in their whole lives but yet they were unconscious to the world. Their minds still swirling with the memories of that night.

The night they confessed their love to each other for the first time in what seemed like forever.

Her arm was wrapped around the handsome man's shoulders, something that he didn't feel guilty for as his eyes popped open and he observed his surroundings.

He sat up slowly, trying not to wake the sleeping angel next to him. He looked down at her and admired the beauty of her face: her sea blue eyes, her perfectly shaped lips that encouraged you to kiss them tenderly, her soft wavy blonde hair that brushed against your skin when she leaned in to kiss you. The handsome man couldn't cope with the gorgeousness of her face. God had he missed her face. Missed kissing her soft lips. Missed tangling his hands in her hair. He missed everything about her.

She stirred slightly and then her right eye slowly opened... then her left. She squinted as the morning sunshine pierced through the blinds casting an orange glow on her pretty face.

She followed in the man's footsteps and observed her surroundings.

A dishevelled double bed in a neat but quaint motel room...

A handsome man sitting beside her, on the bed, in only his underwear...

She had slept with him... she had slept with her ex-boyfriend... and she had a fiancée... a fiancée that loved her with all of his heart, sadly she couldn't return his feelings...

Why was there no guilt?

There was no guilt lying in the pit of Hanna's stomach. Why didn't she feel guilty that she just slept with the (beyond gorgeous) Caleb Rivers when she had a fiancée.

Maybe it was because she loved him. Maybe because she missed him and wanted to show it. But maybe it was because of something deeper...

Maybe it was because she never stopped loving him...

So there is the first chapter! Really hope you enjoyed it! This chapter was kinda a setting the scene chapter but nonetheless hope you enjoyed this lil Haleb chapter!

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