Chapte Eight

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Raelyn’s POV

It had been two weeks since, what we’ve come to know as, my “breakdown”. No one actually believed me when I said that I was never going to do it. I mean, that’s why I threw the pills in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to. I really, really wanted to. But I was stronger than that.

That didn’t stop all of my friends from keeping a close eye on me. No one ever left me alone. Max, Spencer, Jasper, Ash, or Oli were with me at all times. They’d even started monitoring how much I drank, which really sucked because as of now, it was my only escape. I sounded like an alcoholic, and maybe I was, but I didn’t care. Max also would never let me hang out with Mike, at least not alone. That meant I was stuck here, in my own mind with no way out and it was driving me crazy.

We finally had a two whole days off on Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. A whole bunch of us were hitting the club scene. My friends were even letting me go, but they would still keep an eye on my drinking. I was sure I could find a way around them, though. No way was anyone keeping me from drinking away my problems tonight when I needed it the most.

Kellin would be there tonight as well.

I’d have to do my best to avoid him at all costs tonight. I’m just trying to give him the space he says he needs but it seems like every time I turn around, there he is. I was hardly able to hang out with my other friends on this tour because he was always there.

The fact that the club we were going to was super crowded worked for my advantage. With so many people cramped into one place, it shouldn’t be too hard to steer clear of him and still have fun at the same time.

We left the venue at seven o’clock and arrived at our destination twenty minutes later. We walked in as a huge group of my band, Bring Me the Horizon, All Time Low, We Are the In Crowd, Pierce the Veil, and, of course, Sleeping with Sirens. Oli had his arm across my shoulders and Tay Jardine was on my other side. I ignored Kellin the whole time. In fact, I managed to not even look at him once. I was incredibly proud of myself.

As we walked into the crowded room with the bass thumping against the walls and strobe lights flashing around the room, we all went straight for the bar for our first drinks. After a quick shot, Oli took my hand and dragged me to the middle of the dance floor.

We danced for five songs straight before I was too sweaty to dance one more. I went back to the bar for another drink, or five. Oli stayed on the dance floor to dance with a girl who’s been trying to cut it for ten minutes.

So far, I’d been having good luck of avoiding Kellin, but that good luck ended when I started my sixth drink. At first, I didn’t see him come up to me. I just thought he was some guy trying to get the bartender’s attention like everyone else. Then he leaned close to me and shouted, “You should probably slow down.”

I looked over at him quickly before looking away. “What do you care?”

“I don’t want you to get hammered so hard that you’ll do something you’ll regret,” He shouted, still watching me with his hazel eyes.

“Too late for that, I’ve already talked to you for far too long already.” I turned back to my drink and threw it back, swallowing it in one gulp. Unfortunately, even with the many drinks in my system, I only felt a little bit more than a buzz.

Luckily, Oli came to my rescue then. “Hey Rae,” he looked between Kellin and I. “Is he bothering you?” Oli said into my ear so that Kellin couldn’t hear. I noticed Kellin glare at him as he placed his hand on the small of my back.

I smiled up at Oli and was about to just shake my head and ask him to dance when the song changed. I recognized it instantly, and I think Kellin did too because he started to smirk at me.

In a futile attempt to leave as soon as possible, I told them, “I need some air,” and quickly turned to walk away.

Kellin caught my wrist after a few steps. “Come on, Rae. Dance with me.” I shake my head and try to pull myself from his grip. “It’s just one dance. Besides, it’s kind of our song.”

I don’t know what made me say yes. Maybe it was the alcohol finally kicking in or because I broke down and looked into his eyes, but the next thing I knew Kellin was leading me into the swarm of bodies and pulling me close to him.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask him after a few seconds. I could actually feel tears start to build up in my eyes. He looks at me to explain and I say, “You say you need space so that you can get over me. Yet you keep doing all of these nice things like sobering me up from my high before my show, and practically saving my life, and now you’re dancing with me? It just makes no sense.”

Kellin is quiet for a while before looking into my eyes, an amused smile on his perfectly kissable lips. “You really think that I could ever get over you? Rae, you mean everything to me. And yes, I’ve been kind of a dick recently because the rational part of me was telling me that I had to get over you. But my heart was telling me that it was impossible and I’ve finally given up fighting that feeling. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am crazy in love with you, Raelyn. Nothing in the world is going to change that. You could break my heart a thousand times, torture me until I’m black and blue and bleeding or do the worst thing that you can think of and my love for you will never waver.” We’d stopped dancing all together by now. Kellin reached up and cupped my face in his hands, looking me dead in the eye to show he was serious. “No matter what we go through, I will always love you.”

My eyes fill with tears, and when they fall, Kellin kisses them away. “I love you too, Kel. I’m so sorry about everything. I was such a horrible person to you and nothing will ever make up for that.”

Kellin shushes me as I start to cry harder and he pulls me into his chest. When I finally calm down enough, we pull away. Kellin gives me a small smile and wipes away any stray tears. “Do you want to get out of here?” By the smirk on his face, I get the hint and smile back at him as I nod.

We sneak away from our friends as we walked out of the club hand in hand. We caught a taxi and Kellin told him to take us to the nearest hotel. The whole ride, his arm is around my shoulders and I’m snuggled into his chest with the widest smile I’ve had in months.

At the hotel, Kellin checks us into a room. When the woman hands him the keys, we run to the elevator, giggling like teenagers on prom night. “You may want to text Max or someone and give them an excuse,” Kellin offers with an almost sad smile on his face.

I kiss his cheek and send a quick text to Max. “Met a cute guy at the bar, see you tomorrow ;)” She probably wouldn’t like that excuse but I wasn’t quite ready to tell her that I was actually staying the night with Kellin. That she definitely wouldn’t approve of.

As if the hotel room had some kind of different atmosphere, Kellin and I practically attacked one another as soon as the door clicked shut. We couldn’t rip each other’s clothes off fast enough. This moment was too many months overdue and I had to say I’d never been happier than in that moment.

A/N: I know it's still not nearly as long as my other updates but at least it's kind of a happy chapter right? Vote if you loved that Kellin and Raelyn got back together, sort of. ;) Also, if you couldn't tell what song was playing, it was "Move Your Body" by My Darkest Days.

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