Chapter 1 ~ Music Box

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Third Person's POV

You woke up early so you can go to school but first you make breakfast for your Parents after that you pick a random outfit which was black Skinny Jeans and (Fav. Color) hoodie and (Any Type Of Shoes).

You wrote on a paper and taped it at the fridge saying 'Have a nice day' again and left.

You had your hood on so no one can see you. You don't like it when they stare at you for no reason, you're holding your sketchbook real tight.

"Oh look! It's (Name) The Freak!!!" You heard (Most Bitchiest Stupidest Bitchy Whore Name)(Yeah I'm calling her Ms. Bitch) shout which everyone stare at you....You felt uncomfortable, until someone pulled you away from there and walked to your school.

You tugged a bit of her sleeve to make her stop, she had black wavy hair and midnight blue eyes, she wore a black skirt that ends on top of her knee caps, she wore a pink long sleeve and red scarf wrapped around her neck, and she wore brown boots, you sworn you saw her right eye turn red.

"Hi! What's your name, darling?" She asked sweetly, you didn't respond, scared that she might leave if she found out that you're a mute.

"Not speaking, huh. Then I'll introduce myself..." Her expression turned a bit dark "She's me."

"Joking! I'm Mianna! I make Music Boxes, it's okay to be a mute, don't be scared." She said.

Your POV

She knows I'm a mute! I'm scared!

"It's okay to be a mute, don't be scared." She said, she was smiling, did she just read my mind?! Wait...her voice sounds familliar.....

Then what about a Music Box? Will that help?

I headache suddenly appeared, I fell on the ground, the voice! I'm scared!

"H-Hey! Are you alright?!" Mianna shouted with concern.

'(N-(Name)! My name is (Name)!' I shouted in my thoughts, regretting not telling her my name sooner.

She called someone to help but long Slender arms grabbed me.

"Slender!!!! Do-" I heard was Mianna getting cut off by a voice.

And everything was black.

Your POV

I woke up in a room, what happened again...? I felt something on my hands...A Music Box? When did this get in my hands.

The Music Box was beautiful(Media) (The Music is the Media too)

(Play Media)

While playing the song, I feel memories coming back from me, blurry memories to be in fact.

You sure haven't change M--

Ehhh!! No way! I'm trying to change!

Hai! Hai!

*Scenary Changed*

M--! Your not gonna go, are you?

I'm so sorry

I open my eyes and started to sweat, who's memories are these?!

"It's yours." I heard Mianna said.

Her features changed...she had her right eye bloody red, her hair from the tip to the top have been changed to white-ish blue, the only thing that's black is her hair on her head part.

I took a sketchbook and wrote:

'Where am I?!'

"Easy, at your House! Ne~ When will you lose you sanity?" She asked as she went beside the window and a falling body.

You're not leaving, are you?!

I'm so sorry....

She fell off the building...she commited suicide.....who is she?! Why does she have to appear in my mind?! Why am I even asking myself...

"You'll lose them soon...." Mianna said as the curtains covered her entire body and when the curtains were gone, she's no where to be found...

'Nothing makes sense anymore!'

Music Box (Creepypasta X Mute!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now