14. Venom

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The bell finally rings for lunch and you stand and stretch, and step away and towards the back of the room as most students flood around Tomoe and Kurama.

You smirk and decide to leave Tomoe to fend for himself, slipping out of the classroom.

You would usually eat your lunch on the roof, but seeing as Kurama was most likely after you still, you decided to pick a more populated area to eat in.

You went outside of the school, into the courtyard, where there were definitely a lot of students, and leaned up against the school, sliding down to sit.

You liked sitting on the grass, and here it was thick and soft.

You pulled your sleek black bento box from your book bag, and gave a little sigh as you opened it and saw the food.

Even though you always ate a good breakfast, your stomach was tying itself in knots by lunch.

"Mind if I join you?" A smooth voice asked, and you sighed.

"Not now, Kurama."

You tilted your head upwards, squinting in the son, to gaze at the arrogant popstar standing in front of you.

He, of course, ignored you.

Your gaze flicked from side to side.

"Where's Tomoe?" You asked suspiciously, and Kurama laughed.
"I sent my group of girls after him. I don't think he'll be able to escape any time soon."

You took a bite of your food instead of replying, and thanked the gods you hadn't forgotten your lunch at home again.
Your gaze wandered across the courtyard, until you noticed a group of boys surrounding something, poking and jabbing at the ground with sticks.

Your eyes caught on the creature they were jabbing at, and you calmly set your bento box to the side.

"Excuse me," you said calmly to Kurama, standing and walking hurriedly to the group of boys.

It was a group of three, and you put your hand on the chest of the one closest to you, shoving him away.

He was blond-haired, beady-eyed boy, and you glared at him. The group was startled at first, before the blond put on an angry expression. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" He hissed, and you shot two invisible laser beams at him with your eyes, and crouched, picking up the small, bleeding snake white snake from the ground. It immediately wrapped around your wrist.

"Why does his life have any less value than yours?"

The blond boy scowled, throwing his stick to the ground. "Come on," he said to the other two boys, in a bored tone.

The three boys retreated into the school, and you quickly started examining the small, hurt white snake. One of the sticks had grazed his side, near his tail, and there was a bit of bright red blood. The snake looked up at you, and you blinked at the almost human recognition in its green eyes.

"Come on, I'll clean you up a little bit."

You had always had a bit of a fondness for reptiles, animals in general, and they seemed to always like you as well, and even though you had handled small snakes and reptiles before, you had never been bitten or hissed at. Despite what most thought, you knew that snakes only acted so vicious when they thought someone was a danger to them. Self-defense, basically.

Your opinion was that they were actually quite sensitive creatures.

You hid your hand with the warm snake wrapped around it and quickly slipped behind the closed door of the nurses office.

The nurse was, of course, "In the bathroom."

You sighed.

You didn't even know if she came to the school anymore, but you'd think she'd be more careful, leaving the entire infirmary unlocked. There were... Syringes.

Oh well. Awfully convenient, for a girl with an injured snake.

The infirmary was in between the side of a small bedroom and a large closer, a sleek marble counter in one corner, and above, a locked glass case on the wall, and in the case a line of shelves with neatly organized bottles and boxes of bandages.

"Come on," You muttered softly to the snake. "Let's at least wash you up a bit."

You could have swore the little thing nodded it's head.

You pulled a cotton ball from the container on the counter, gently holding the snake's head so it wouldn't bite you while you cleaned the wound. It was worse than you thought, and the little guy writhed in discomfort.

What now? Do I release him right away or.....

You sighed, smoothing a bandage over the wound.

"I guess I'll just let you go, you seem so tame... Are you someone's pet?"

You slipped out of the small infirmary and left the school again, heading towards the far, vacant corner of the courtyard. There was a tree here, but the grass around it hadn't been mowed in forever, and it was really long, in fact the entire corner was covered in thick grass.

You crouched down, nudging the small white snake into the grass.

"Here. The area here isn't the biggest, but you're a small snake, so I'm sure you'll adapt. That bandage will come off eventually, and I'll check on you, maybe."

Your words were hushed and the creature seemed to be paying attention,  small head raised up above the ground and the rest of him looped in two loose coils.

"Go on," you said, then stood and turned back to the school.

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