29. Bite.

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You closed your eyes.

"Yes, we are even," you managed, and then softened your voice.

"Tomoe," you addressed the yokai, and he didn't react, his expression in shadows. "There was blood, on the floor." You continued.

"Whose was it?"

Tomoe shifted his shoulders forward, spending a few moments in the silence.

"It was mine," he admitted. "But I'm healed, now. Mostly."

His normal, extremely irritated expression was back, and his voice had a harsher tone.

"You should have let me kill him..." he muttered bitterly, and then brought his gaze up to Kurama.

"If you so much as set one painted fingernail on (Name) again, I'm finishing what I started, regardless of her wishes."

You shuddered, his threatening aura almost too much to bear, even though it was not directed at you.

"T-... Tomoe..." you stuttered nervously. "We should go back to the shrine, now."

Tomoe held his ground, staring down Kurama for a good thirty seconds before he stood.


You moved yourself up into a standing position, as well, and Tomoe immediately hooked his arm around your shoulders, push-dragging you from the building.

When you stepped out onto the street, Tomoe's fox ears and tail immediately faded from existence, his clothing transitioning into simple, commoner clothes... a brown shirt and black jeans.

His hand went downward, and you bristled as he rested it on your hip.
Tomoe noticed this immediately, and pulled his hand away, putting that hand in his pocket.

He sighed irritably.

"I am going to kill Mizuki..." he muttered, and you frowned.

"I forced Mizuki to tell me where you were, Tomoe. He actually resisted me quite... well."

Tomoe rolled his eyes. "You can't be that powerful. Mizuki simply does not have enough mental strength..." He tilted his head, light hair shifting.
He frowned. "Order me to do something."

"Tomoe, sit down." You replied immediately with an order, and Tomoe dropped to the ground, into a sitting position.

You couldn't suppress a short giggle, Tomoe looked so utterly shocked by his own actions that you almost burst out with laughter, but muffled it, for Tomoe.

The human-looking yokai pushed himself upwards, trying to disobey the order, and he managed to push through it, but with a significant amount of effort, wincing very visibly at the spark of pain.

"Tomoe, are you alright...?" You inquired, and the yokai groaned softly.


He brushed himself off, and you felt a small wave of guilt, but you pushed it away... which made it worse.

"Tomoe..." you continued. "What happened that made you bleed? Back at Kurama's house, the trail..."

Tomoe sighed, and moved his slim fingers to the back of his pale neck, where he pushed away his hair. Beneath it, there was a large, angry red welt, with areas that had scabbed over, in a ring. It went half-into his hair.

You winced, just by looking at it.

"What...?" You asked softly. "What is that from?"

Tomoe snorted.

"The bitch bit me."

Your eyes widened a bit, this was the first time you had heard Tomoe swear, but he said it so naturally.

Plus... the idea that Kurama... bit Tomoe, on the neck...

You shuddered.

"How did he even...?"

Tomoe waved a hand, letting his hair fall back down over it.

"I'm not sure. I definitely didn't expect that, so it surprised me. Greatly."

There was a moment of silence, and your mind went to imagining the situation. You couldn't imagine it as a serious thing, and your brain couldn't get the image of Kurama biting Tomoe and then being slapped ten times in a row out. You suddenly remembered your own injury.
"Does he have that... anti-healing venom, in his saliva, too?"

Tomoe yawned. "The whole boy is full of it. Their kind is made so that they cannot be eaten, actually. So... everything is poison."
He patted the wound. "This should heal up, though. Just, more slowly. I hope it doesn't scar."
His eyes narrowed in disgust. "Not a memory I would want to have evidence of."

~Tomoe X Reader: Book One~Where stories live. Discover now