25. Argument

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Mr. Fujiori was in a particularly bad mood today.

The moment you entered the classroom, the atmosphere of the room hit you like a bucket of cold water, and Mr. Fujiori's eyes locked on you.
His already dark eyes were a deep ebony, and you could feel his wrath like something tangible.
"Ms. (Last name)," he remarked cooly, and you visibly flinched.
"I'll have you know..." His gaze burned. "...showing up in the nick of time is never going to get you far in life. Being early is being on time. Being on time is being late. Have some respect for your education." His voice was venomous.
Your gaze went down to your shoes, the back of your neck and face flushing with mortification. You had never been one to be under such focus like this, and just the fact that someone in authority was angry at you made your entire body succumb to wave after wave of guilt.
You opened your mouth to apologize, to make an excuse, something, but halted when Tomoe, who had previously been silent, scoffed. His eyes were narrowed.
"Will all due respect, Sir, this isn't a place of employment," Tomoe growled.
The corner of his lip tilted upwards, and his thick eyelashes closed as he pushed one of his thumbs to hook on the pocket of his pants.
"Well," he reopened his eyes, locking his gaze with Mr. Fujiori.
"At least not for those who aren't grown adults with such an advanced superiority complex,"
Tomoe paused, his violet irises studying the teacher. "...that they believe it is their place to further its growth by continuously expressing their 'power' over beings who aren't even the age to drink alcohol legally."

Mr. Fujiori's eyes narrowed, but he was mostly unaffected. "Big talk, for one of those 'beings'. That is an inappropriate way to speak to a teacher."

Tomoe rolled his eyes. "Please. You're nothing more than a glorified babysit-"
Your fingers curled around his wrist and you squeezed rather harshly, cutting him off, and you quickly bowed.

"Mr. Fujiori, I am extremely sorry for causing such a-"

"Office. Now." The teacher barked, and you winced visibly. "Both of you."

Despite your silent warnings to stop, Tomoe continued, sounding a bit more irritated than before.
"Apparently defending one's woman is not allowed here," he snapped, "Which is absurd, but fine. Even physical pain would be less torturous than your lessons."
Your brain stopped working as you attempted to figure out exactly what he meant, but you had no time.
Tomoe twisted his wrist so that he was the one holding yours now, and yanked you out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

His expression was guarded, and he stopped moving as soon as the door closed.

Seconds seemed to last hours.

"Tomoe...?" You asked tentatively, and he didn't respond.

You took a moment to simply look at him, at the curve of his jawline, at his hair, his hand around your wrist.

"...what did you mean by 'your woman'?"

He tilted his head back towards you, and his hair shifted a bit to the side. His gaze was clear, and his expression was the most non-irritated one you had seen on his face since he was drunk.

He looked slightly confused.
"You're my woman, correct?"
The irritation was back.
"If you're thinking of the snake..."

Your face flushed even more red.
"T-Tomoe, y-you can't j-just..."

"I'm not sharing."

~Tomoe X Reader: Book One~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt