Disability Awareness Essay- 2014

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   To often we use phrases, such as, "Are you deaf?" or "Are you blind?". Meaningless phrases that aren't meant to insult anyone, yet they do. Many people think of the disabled as stupid or helpless, but some see them as a sign of hope.

   One of my best friends, Caleb Brown, is deaf. Although Caleb has Cochlear Implants, which aid him in hearing, he still struggles to overcome various obstacles. Caleb has been called a robot and is often rejected due to his disability. Caleb is the opposite of the stereotypical version of a disabled person; he is bright and has big plans for his future.

   This excerpt is how I believe I would feel if I was deaf. "I woke up again wondering when this nightmare would end. Sometimes I turn on Pandora just to make sure. Every time I just sit there and wait for something, anything even the slightest sound. All the hear is the sound of my own thoughts. Even with my Cochlear Implants I cannot hear much. I go to a public school, but I'm always picked last for teams and made fun of and rejected. I'm almost always depressed because its been said so many times that I will never be able to succeed at anything...ever."

   This excerpt is how I think the general population feels about deaf people. "She walks into school again and I wonder what's the point of her coming. It's not like she'll ever be able to do anything with her life. She'll never get a boyfriend, she's asked so many times I think she gave up. Why would someone want to go out with her anyways? She looks like a robot. Plus, why would anyone want her over someone like me? I almost feel bad for her. Almost. I mean. I can't get too sentimental if I want to bully all of the outcasts now can I? Plus, if I leave her alone she might get her hopes to high about her future and I'm doing her a favor and saving her the pain."

   I feel like deaf people don't really get a chance . Especially at interviews for a job because most people don't want to have to repeat themselves two or three times. Deaf people also get bullied a lot and are often called names. I feel like deaf people are very strong and brave for facing their disability. Deaf people are my sign of hope.

   I feel very strongly about how disabled people are treated, the way I feel towards disabled people, and how the general population feels about disabled people.

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