Author's Note

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These essays were both written by me at very different times in my life. The first one was written in the spring of 2014 for a Disability Awareness Contest and the other was written in the fall of 2016 as an argumentative essay. The reason why I'm informing you of this is that the essays seem to be at ends with each other with conflicting views of deafness and disability. 

Again I think it is important to inform you that I completely support Cochlear Implants as a medical intervention. However, I want to inform the public of the risks and restrictions it has. I would also like to hear what you guys think about this topic. It is definitely near and dear to me as I have a friend who has Cochlear Implants and I have seen the good and the bad.  

*Disclaimer*- I have changed any names in order to protect their identity.

What Do You Think?- Cochlear ImplantsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant