The Life and Times of Macy Connors

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Alright guys, i had this really specific story line and i just really want to try something out of it. I know i just barely started my other story, but i just wanted to try something new out.

(to understand the story, you NEED to read this.)



It was through a series of unfortunate events that led me to first encounter Blake Fisher on the night before my junior year. Actually, that's a lie. I first met Blake at the age of seven, at the time an innocent little chubby second grader. As I grew older and everybody else's baby fat wore off, mine didn't. I had become best friends with Blake Fisher, but when I hit twelve years old and, as the now infamous player put it, "had too much emotional baggage," and too much, as he also put it, "Extra flab,''. He bailed on me, he bailed on us, and he bailed on our old life.

I occasionally hear things about him; his current whore, his latest exploits as a "bad boy", and just how hot he is. Blake Fisher, obviously, hasn't changed. His daddy problems were still forever prominent, what with Mr. Fisher being in prison. It was one of those things that had connected us as children, the whole daddy issues thing. My father left my mother and I when I was nine, for his mistress by the name of Candy. She was twenty fucking four years old.

To this day i have not eaten a single peice of candy since the moment of my mother's falling to the floor while reading my father's "farewell" note. I had only been nine at the time, not comprehending the intensity of the situation, or why mommy dearest was crying. It took me about three years of life hitting me harder than a baseball bat to realize just what happened. Daddy was gone, mommy was sad, Macy was lost. The key word being was.

I hear occasionaly from my father, through e-mails, telling me about his recent adventures and just how much he misses me. I've never answered.

The difference is between old Macy and new Macy is not only the fact that new Macy has an actual figure, instead of the whole 'whale' look, but she's also confident. I don't care what it is that i'm doing, but whatever it is, I do it loud and I do it proud. I've become someone old Macy could never recognize. I smoke cigarettes now, I drink at clubs that i'm too young to get in, and I have a best friend.

Hailey, the previously mentioned best friend, is crazy. She'll do anything people want her to. She told me she once jumped from a roof into a pool, but i'm pretty sure she'd be dead in a cemetary home if that were true. Hailey's always been there for me- through every Daddy email, through every mommy break down, through every Macy break down. Those happen very rarily now, though. When I look in the mirror, I don't see the girl who's broken and tries to eat the feelings away. I've got it good now; and if things get bad, well, there's always a party a block away.

"If you don't let anybody in, then they can't break you" Personal motto, honey.

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