Forever lost

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"Je suis perdue"

"Je suis perdue"

"Je suis perdue" 

Our French teacher made us chant, over and over. 

I am lost.

I am lost.

I am lost.

Oh Madame, how well you know me. 

It was only the second week of school, and already I could feel myself beginning to wonder why school was ever invented. I mean honestly. French class? What a joke. 

I yawned as discreetly as I could, because otherwise Madame goes all crazy bat shit on my ass telling me how terribly rude it is to yawn in class.

Get. The. Fuck. Over. It. 

It was Friday, and I was practically over the moon. My phone was hidden in my boot, so when I felt my whole foot vibrate I had a feeling I knew why, and of course it was from Hailey.

"Mall 2day after skool, need nw dress, meet at car in 20?"

I stifled a laugh at her terrible spelling and/or typing abilities, quickly writing back an agreement to meet at her car.


As we trekked through the five-story mall, Hailey rambled on and one about the guy she was meeting tonight. Baxter. That was his name. 

"I'm really happy for you, Hailes." I said quietly, saying it honestly. She looked at me greatfully.

A couple years ago, Hailey had this really really terrible boyfriend, named Griffin. He had some serious anger issues, and a lot of the time he'd take them out on Hailey, he had even hit her before. I remember all the excuses she tried to make to me, how he didn't mean it, how he loved her. 

I didn't care.

No one fucks up my girl and gets away with it.

He ended up in a correctional facility. Still is. for another fifteen years. 

Ever since Griffin, Hailey's been kind of messed up about guys, jumping from one to the other quickly, making the plastics at our school quickly label her as a slut. Any pretty girl at our school had some kind of label because of them. But this Baxter guy, he seemed pretty trustworthy. 

Suddenly, in my field of vision, i saw the worst thing possible. I groaned loudly, making some people around us stare at me like some fucking alien. Thanks, guys. Hailey gave me a weird look too, and soon i was pulling her in the other direction, which was getting seriously difficult considering the fact she had like thirty bags across her arms. 

"Macy, what the fuck are you doing?" She demanded, since she wasn't exactly a huge fan of getting tugged like a rag doll. The image was still imprinted in my mind, making me shudder.

Of all people to have to be at the mall at the same time that I was, it had to be Blake Fisher. And not only was it him - one of my least favorite people on the entire fucking world, and, coincidentally enough, a plastic, Maggie Shaw. 

Now let me tell you a thing or two about Maggie Shaw.

1) She's fucking gorgeous. Like, don't get me wrong, i'm extremely straight, not that I have a problem with gay people but - okay you get my point. She's pretty. End of story.

2) Her daddy is like, the richest fucking person in the world. Well he's not, but still. Daddy got dough. 

3) The two of the above combined, it makes sense that the girl is a fucking bitch. I've honestly never met someone with such a horrible personality. I hate her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2012 ⏰

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