Same Mistakes - 1

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A/N : Alright well here's the first chapter. let me know who you want Blake to be? he has to be kind of bad boy but definitely good looking. Well here we gooo! Let me know - comment, vote, read... yadda yadda yadda ;D BYEEEEEE!


Chapter 1 - Same Mistakes -


I silently cursed Hailey under my breath. It was unusually cold for a summer night, although the season was coming to a close way too soon. I sighed heavily at the thought of having to start junior year tomorrow. At least I won't have to worry about being a whale, I thought with a short laugh, this being my personal joke with, well, myself.

'Cow' Was the one they'd scream behind my back.

'Pig' Was the one they'd say while throwing food at me in the cafeteria.

'Fatass' Was the one they'd whisper to their friends as I walked down the hallway.

And, my personal favorite,

'Whale' Was the universal 'She's so fat' call. Honestly, relating me, a harmless yet previously chubby human being, to a creature that literally has tons over me. Get it? Because they have to be weighed in tons to appropriately calculate how many pounds a whale weighs? Yeah, I'm just so hilarious, I thought to myself bitterly.

I took a long drag from the cigarette in between my fingers, loving the feel of the smoke being inhaled into my lungs.I was on my third of the night, not-so-patiently waiting for my best friend and notorious slut (although still a virgin) to finish making out with some guy inside the club.

I had to admit that I probably looked a little sketchy to an outsider, leaning against the brick of wall of a club that had music was thumping so loudly that I could feel it inside my toes, smoking a cigarette that I was obviously too young to have legally bought, with lacey tights with holes dotting across them. I loved it. The idea of me, Macy Connors, previously known as the Connoran Whale (Original, right?), had a total bad ass look.

Lost in my own thoughts of self-glory, I didn't notice the figure that was approaching me. WIth this in mind, it totally justified the girly shriek that flew from my mouth when I heard a boy speaking.

"You do know that smoking isn't good for you, right?" He seemed a little stunned by my loud reaction as I could feel the familiar pink blush spreading through my cheeks. Through all the commotion I had yet to notice who exactly was speaking to me, so when I looked up to see Blake Fisher standing in front of me, hands tucked tightly into his coat pockets and smirking at me like he used to all those years ago. Immediately I felt myself go cold to him being so close to me.

"That's really great, Blake. Thanks for the concern and all, but i'll let you know when I need a parental figure to tell me what's wrong and what's right," I said calmly in a voice that could only be described as monotone, not letting myself show any kind of emotion to his presence. He shook his head at my response.

"I was just loooking out for you, Mace, no need to get all harsh." I crossed my arms defensively as he saw right through my little facade.

"Still really appreciating the concern, but honestly, I don't need you looking after me like i'm some kid. I'm all grown up, see? I can walk and everything!" I exclaimed the last part over my shoulder, walking away from him, cigarette and all. I sighed angrily when I heard his footsteps quickly chasing after me as I walked away from the club.

Screw Hailey, she'll just have to get her own fucking ride. I was in no mood to hear about her latest adventures in "BOYS ARE GREAT" Land. I continued to stalk away at a reasonable pace from where I'd been talking to Blake, anger washing over me. Who does he fucking think he is, telling me that he's suddenly 'looking out for me.' I think i should know if i needed 'looking after', Blake Fisher, I think i would fucking know. I seethed on, venting in my head, thinking of all the reasons of why he's such an ass hole. I felt a hand reach out to grab my hand and I immediately coiled away from his hand, not wanting him to touch me. Not wanting him to come near me.

He was slightly out of breath, and despite my anger towards the bastard, I couldn't help but appreciate how amazing he looked. He had a strong jaw line with a clean shaven face, peircing blue eyes and a body that was to die for. He wore the color navy better than any guy in my recollection. I quickly shook myself out of my thought process.

Remember what he did to you, Mace.

"Stop walking away, Mace, just please- you never let me explain or apoligize or talk or anything. How the hell am I supposed to tell you anything if you keep running away from every damn problem." I snorted.

"Me? I'm the one who runs away from problems? Tell me what you said when you magically decided that we weren't friends anymore? Oh yeah, I had too much   'emotional baggage', " I spat. "So don't give me this shit about me running away from you, Blake. Maybe I just don't want to be around you. Has it ever occurred to you that someone of the opposite gender might actually not want to be in the same room as you? Let alone be in a twelve foot radius of you? Well wake the fuck up  Blake, because this is me, telling you, to stay the hell away." I finished my speech nearly shouting, every insult I throw at him making him wince. With the last word, I threw my cigarette onto the sidewalk, stomped on it, and with a huff I walked away from him. 

Don't look back, Mace. This is what you've been wanting to do since the day you started loosing weight.

Then why do I feel like running back into his arms?


A/N What do you guys think!? Let meee knoww I really want to know how I can improve and make this story better.

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