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Hi! I appreciate that someone is reading this besides myself who will read this 20 times just to make sure I love it. I have so many ideas for this story and I am so excited to start, this will be a more updated story. Meaning our favorite little man Freddie, our not so favorite Briana Jungwirth, and Danielle Campbell. Another very important update will be the death of our dear Johannah Deakin, Rest in Peace Beautiful.

I will try and keep this as updated as possible but I would highly enjoy it if you would give me as much feedback as possible and if you like it please vote or comment!

Thank You!



"I never asked if you wanted to hang out with me, I basically told you that this weekend I want you to come over so we can watch every episode of Rupaul's Drag Race that we possibly can. There was no question." Derek chuckled as we both pulled down the chairs that sat on the tables. Morning shift was always hard but after a month or two, you get use to the schedule.

I laughed to myself "Okay fine, but just a fair warning that the wifi in our hotel sucks." I finished the few last chairs before walking behind the counter listening to my friend groaning as he put the rest down.

For what I understand, he goes to a college in Houston. He is an extremely great and amazing person, and to the naked eye it would seem as if he was flirting but after the way I see him look at guys...I beg to differ.

Our first few morning customers come in and Derek and I both chime with "Bonjour" "Ca va" each time the bell rang. I would walk over and place the customers at their usual places and hand them the menus. Most would just tell me what they wanted without the menu and then I would walk right back to the kitchen to place the orders.

I cannot speak fluent french but I try, and the people who work here luckily know both languages. They try to help me but I always end up butchering the words.

I walk back to the customers, food in hand along with the drinks. I place them down as I asked them if they need anything else. They all seem to be content, I turn and was embraced by a soft hug on my legs. My mood lightened as I looked down at the almost bald child that gripped the fabric of my black pants. I picked the small boy up, a smile plastered on my face as I walked back over to the counter.

"Freddie...You gotta let her work" I hear the raspy voice of an obviously tired man. "Sorry Lilly" The groggy voice mumbled, a sigh as he reached for the little boy in my arms. I rolled my eyes and ignored his faint request to hold Freddie, turning to place the new order up on the kitchen counter.

"Daddy thinks he can get you back, can he?" I met the deep blue eyes that were previously focused on my necklace, his small hand placed around my thumb. The only response that came out were gurgles, "I'll take that as a 'No Lilly, he can't because you're cooler' and I agree" I laugh, placing a cup of coffee in front of an empty stool that sat on the opposite side of the counter.

The brunette man sat on the stool, taking a sip of the coffee "Mmm...I don't think so" He slid his sunglasses on the top of his head.

"Freddie, you're gonna see daddy get punched in the face today" I teased, my eyes back on the baby that I bounced softly. "I can see the headlines now, 'Louis Tomlinson One out of four members of the hit band One Direction gets PUNCHED by a waitress in France!' Maybe I'll get some recognition too! After 2 months, I just now figure this out. Damn." I hear a faint chuckle come from Louis, who slowly began to wake up from his caffeinated beverage.

"Table 9" I quickly turned around and looked at the large tray that awaited me. I sighed and placed Freddie carefully on the counter in front of Louis. "I shall be back my love" I pecked Freddie's head before picking up the tray.

Temporary Home - Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now