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Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please comment and tell me if it was too short or just right. My goal is 2000 words, if you want more just tell me and I'll strive for 3000. 

Thank you



Since I was a child I could never fall asleep peacefully, I've sprayed lavender all over my bed, tried to drink full cups of milk, listened to whale sounds, and various forms of sleep medication. Being up at 2 am each night was not a preferred sleeping schedule but there was no way to prevent it. 

I sat up, everything in my room dark besides the small fragment of light that came from the window. A light breeze blew past the drawn curtains and shifted the small pieces of my hair that seemed to have fallen out of the messy bun.

Giving up very easily and quickly, I pulled my laptop off from the floor. It was usually stuck under the table next to the bed but since I used it a few hours ago to find something that I could make for dinner it sat by itself on the floor. Our dinner was a delightful meal consisting of gourmet noodles with a choice of chicken or beef flavoring. I like to consider myself a chef, other people would beg to differ. 

My laptop automatically went back to my previous page that I was on before, my tumblr. Realizing that I should probably refresh my home page before I reread the same posts each time and get very pissed off at myself. I refresh and continued to read the new posts, a few actually being funny until I got to the posts that I've seen about a million times but people still proceed to post. 

I switched to twitter, my friends from the states usually tweeted me memes, life updates, or some awful french sentences. I know my french is awful but when they constantly use google translate, you can see a very clear difference. 

I tweeted a simple 'Can't Sleep. Benedryl or Nyquil? Choices...Choices...Choices. Just kidding x' before continuing my quest on finding out if the boy I liked in 5th grade is in a relationship or not. I am getting very desperate for some attention or just a plain 'Hi, How are you?'.

After stopping myself from accidentally retweeting a tweet that the boy had posted 6 months ago, my laptop dinged quietly. I looked up and saw that I had a message, I clicked it and prayed that it wasn't the guy that I've been stalking for the past half hour. 

Louis: Its 2:30 am, Go to sleep.

In pure confusion I sat there for a minute or maybe 5, trying to figure out how he saw my tweet.

Louis: Or don't answer me that's fine.

Wide awake at this point I began to type, hoping he wasn't actually offended. 

Me: Sorry, trying to figure out how the hell you saw that I was online.

Louis: I saw your tweet, obviously. 

Me: Wow, no shit. Don't you follow like a bunch of important celebrities or something?

Louis: Smart ass, Ive been following you for a month now. 

I had no clue.

Me: Oh. Right, now I remember.

Louis: Why aren't you asleep? Little girls need their rest ;)

Me: Little girls? You are 4 years older than me, old man.

Me: And why are you up? 

Louis: I am definitely NOT old. 

Louis: I forgot to take my dentures out

I actually laughed, softy but it was there.

Me: Oh gosh, sorry gramps. I should've reminded you.

Temporary Home - Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now