Chapter One~America?

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"America?" I shrieked down the phone to my aunt, who was on the end of the line.

"Yes, Crissy, you have to come over to Amer-" My Aunt tried to explain, but she was cut off by my angry shout.

"Why America! Why can't I stay here? Get some foster parents or something?" I shouted down the phone, angrily. I couldn't believe she expected me to move over to America, away from England, the only place I had known for all my life. How could she expect me to move, just two weeks after my parents death?

Two weeks ago, I was waving to my parents, telling them to be safe, like I always do when they go on trips to see friends. They reassured me that they would, except they lied. It wasn't their fault that they died. The police told me. A drunk man was driving along the country lane which my parents were on. The van had come into view a few seconds to late. It swirved and crashed into my parents car, killing them both in an instant.

My parents were careful drivers, this time they were just unlucky. I had cried nights on end. I wished it was just a horrible joke, that they were really alive, that I had been fooled. If only it was so. I still hadn't gotten over my parents death, which was probably what most people expected. It would probably take me years to get over them, and even then, I would still miss them.

"Crissy, you can't stay in England. I'm your only relative left, you have to come live with me!" She tried to explain, desperately. I froze. Was that really true? Did I really have to live with her because she was my only relative left? I sucked in a deep breath, and then sighed loudly.

"B-but.." I stuttered, tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to break down in tears on the phone. "England is the only thing I have left..Of them." On the other end, I heard my aunt sigh sympathetically.

"I know, sugar, but you will still have your memories, all the photos and everything won't you?" She murmured, obviously not enjoying the fact that she was upsetting me. "Look, dear, I really don't want to upset you, but it's the way it must be."

"Yeah. Okay." I mumbled, feeling hollow inside. I couldn't believe I was agreeing to this.

"Okay dear, I'm going to come pick you up tommorow, see you then. Night night." She said. I mumbled bye and hung up, not able to stand it any more. Tears escaping from my eyes and slid down my cheek, I darted up into my bedroom, collapsed onto my bed, and burst into tears.

*The Next Day*

"Thank you." I murmured as I hopped out of the taxi, dragging along my two suitcases and three bags which were strung over my shoulders. Closing the door with my foot, I walked as quickly as possible into the airport. The airport was very large, with glass covering most of the walls and some of the cieling. The bits of wall which were not windows were painted a dull white colour, to match the floor.

The airport was noisy. There was lots of people, a lot of them standing in the queue coming from a teashop. Sighing lightly, I sank down into one of the hard, metal chairs and waited. I placed my bags on the seat to my left and put my suitcases infront of it.

It had only been sitting for about three minutes when my aunt came into view. Quickly, I jumped up and ran over to her, leaving my bags behind.

"Crissy!" My aunt cried, wrapping her arms around me. "It's been so long! You've grown so much!" I gripped onto my aunt, never wanting to let go, but she gently peeled me off. Talking excitedly, I ran over to my stuff and slung my bags over my shoulders and pulled my suitcases over my my aunt. She smiled and took one of my suitcases and one bag.

"Come on dear, our flight will be leaving in a little while." My aunt explained, wondering towards the terminal our flight was on. We sat down and waited. After a little while, we were allowed in the plane. I sat down next to the window, my aunt next to me, and stared out of the window. The plane took off, and I caught the last glimpses of my own country, before we flew up into the clouds.

The plane touched down, and pulled up into the airport. One of the air hostesses spoke into a microphone, and we were all allowed off. We piled out of the door. My aunt had a hard time catching up with me, as I was walking so fast.

"Crissy! Slow down!" My aunt called from a few metres back. I slowed down, and as soon as she caught up with me, sped up again. We walked out of the airport and I saw a black jeep sitting near the entrance. My aunt headed towards it, and only when I got closer did I notice my uncle there. He beamed at me as I jumped into the back seat.

"Crissy!" My uncle cried. Last time I had seen him, he had shortish, brown hair. Now he was going slightly grey. "I haven't seen you for ages! How are you?"

"I'm as good as I can be. You?" I smiled, plugging in my seat belt.

"Oh, I'm alright." He said, not mentioning anything about my parents. I was glad. I didn't want to talk about them just now. "You got your seatbelt in?"

"Yeah." I replied, smiling, as the engine came to life. He zoomed through the carpark, and out onto the main road, heading towards my new home.

Summertime. {A My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat